What are Bards using here for instrument swapping?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Massimo_Bertoxx, May 27, 2015.

  1. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Playing a bard here, currently. We have no bandolier and it would seem that the old school way of dragging bag and weapon slots to a hotbar no longer work...I assume to accomodate the clicky from bags function that is now in. Which is great, but having to open the main inventory to do it is a pain on the fly.

    Is there a way to disable the clicky deal for a single hotbar?

    Or is there a UI piece available that offers just those slots and doesn't replace the main UI? Ive never really messed with individual pieces much so not really sure how that works.

    I like a minimalist UI and the current default is actually the one I've always used for that reason. But I really need to get something on the main screen for obvious reasons.

    Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.

  2. Healiez Augur

    Im not sure why they decided the bandolier from start was a bad idea this time around, Its a quality of life change nothing more.

    The only argument against it is
  3. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Thank you. May we please not turn this into a discussion about the pros and cons of having a bandolier on this server? I'm looking for actual practical info.
  4. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    I tried weapon swapping by hot button but that didn't work. I think it's the old manual way for now.
  5. Porygon Augur

    Just keep the bag that contains your instruments and weapons open. Swap out as you go.

    My beard is primarily a bot though so I usually just set him up with a stringed instrument in offhand for mez.
  6. Weebles Augur

    There's no great solution. What I do is add my primary/secondary/top 2 inventory slots to a hotbar, so I can click change out my items without opening my inventory or bags. But the slots need to be empty when you add them to hotbar or it will think you are hotkeying the item/bag, rather than the slot itself.
  7. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    So it still does work? Fantastic!

    Thank you SO much. Didn't occurr to me to try it without items. Duh lol. I so prefer doing it that way as opposed to changing the UI.

    I will do it when I'm next on.

    Very much appreciated!
  8. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Well that's the trick. I was trying it with the weapons in the slots. thanks!
  9. Groul New Member

    Thank you, Weebles.
  10. Foo Chow New Member

    Thanks Weebles, couldnt figure out what I was doing wrong!
  11. Rorenn New Member

    Here you go. From http://wiki.project1999.com/Bard

    Q: Is there a way to hot key a bards instruments so you dont have to go into the Persona screen to switch them?
    A: Yes. First, get three open inventory slots (With no bags on those slots). Have your weapons equipped, and put two instruments in the empty inventory slots. Leave one of the slots empty. Now, go to a free hotkey page. An easy way to do this is by pressing shift+6, which will take you to the sixth page. Move your mouse pointer to the "Melee 1" slot in your inventory screen. Click and hold over the slot until the button pops up and is on your cursor. Drag the cursor over to the first hotkey slot in the bottom left of your screen. Position the cursor so the top left of the button is in the middle of the hotkey slot, and click your mouse once to set that slot to Melee 1. Repeat this process for Melee 2, the two instrument inventory slots, and the empty inventory slot. You will now be able to switch easily between weapons and instruments, without going to the Persona screen.