Monk vs SK question

Discussion in 'Melee' started by select20, May 25, 2015.

  1. select20 Journeyman

    Which class solo's better? My main back in 2000 was a monk who I played till 2002. I haven't played since. Coming back to Ragefire has been a blast. I currently playing a SK, and I keep telling myself to hold off on a monk till we can play Iksars, since that is the race my monk was. However, I keep wanting to roll a monk and I miss my old monk a lot.

    I will be mainly soloing as I like exploring. So my question is which solo's better? Do monk's go better just barefisted or should I have weapons?

    I'm playing on Ragefire btw.

  2. Dooley Jonkers New Member

    From 1-50, I'd say monks solo better. SK need a lot of aa's before their life taps do jack. There is a reason why Twisted Legacy is comprised of monks & mages.
  3. select20 Journeyman

    Yeah I kind of noticed that casting Lifetap at lvl16 is a waste of mana. I don't even use it really.
  4. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    If you are playing on Ragefire then I would say monks solo better. SKs can take down harder individual targets but when it comes to xp per hour or plat per hour a monk will win on Ragefire.
  5. Dooley Jonkers New Member

    On a side note, if the level 50 shaman Puma spell is available on Ragefire at release then a monk/shaman duo would be stupidly overpowered.
  6. Brohg Augur

    That's a DoN spell.
  7. LittleBrumski Augur

    Don't recall exactly, but SK soloing started to take off around OOW or thereabouts.
  8. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    On ragefire due to monk fist silliness it's gotta be monk.

    In the actual game both solo/molo it's closer. Sks dps poorly but can offset that by using a wiz merc instead of a healer. Just depends what you want to do.
  9. Slasher Augur

    Sheex has both so he knows better. Monks are evil though.
  10. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Only fail (male) human, Drakkin and guktan ones.

    Iksar ones are sexy like a chocolate strawberry! <3