Gearing Up TLP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Claudea, May 27, 2015.

  1. Claudea Journeyman

    Hi folks,

    I hope everyone is enjoying their TLP time (when you can get in ;)). Just curious, how are you all gearing up along the way? Farming mobs that drop gear, crafting, plat farming?

    Myself, I'm working on tailoring and blacksmithing for my friend and I. We're leveling close to the EC tunnel, so might occasionally by something that looks like a good deal.:D What about you?

    (thought I'd start a thread that was a less hissy-spitty today)
    Fallfyres likes this.
  2. Maxium Dualblade Elder

    To be honest, I'm not trying to gear up. Gear with decent stats are so far and between otw to 50 that it doesn't really matter unless your Melee getting a weapon or something.

    My characters are casters so I don't really care about more int. Sure it gives me more mana, but I never have any issue with that.
  3. Claudea Journeyman

    @Maxium Dualblade
    Very true, not aiming too much for stat gear myself. But my duo partner is a bard, who gets hit in the face a lot, so I figured some AC might be a teensy bit helpful :p
  4. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    A fix for that may be a caster that can hit him with an AC buff. Clerics have the best, but shaman can cast one that stacks with druid buffs. And some armor is better than none. You don't have to have a full set of fine plate. That stuff is heavy, and with the lack of the better buffs for the most part, it is more a detriment than a boon.
  5. Warlorf Augur

    Hard to gear up when pet classes and box groups have everything locked down for their personal greed
  6. kraggnar Elder

    I'm a dwarven cleric. I have my quest necklace and the beetle armor and am working up smithing. See me in-game if you need a dairy spoon or tool box. I am almost ready to start attempting banded armor.
  7. Jent Elder

    We've been making patchwork! Better than nothing I guess. It's kind of liberating to not worry so much about gear yet. Anything at all is really good right now for our lowbie toons!
  8. Porygon Augur

    Can't have a thread without someone ruining it.

    Me and my 5 boxes aren't worrying about stat gear, but I did craft 5 sets of banded for them and bought some cured silk.

    You wouldn't believe how much all that extra AC helped!
  9. Claudea Journeyman

    @Doranur_Aleguzzler Oh yes, no need for super excellent armor when it's just the two of us puttering about (in all our epic level 6 glory).

    @kraggnar Thanks! It's much appreciated :D I'll get there someday, I hope. Small bits of ore were surprisingly expensive (time to drag out the mage for money gathering).

    @Jent Same here. I was so upset when I first started making armor and realized neither of our human size toons could use the wolf/bear ones :confused: I then dragged my friend from Qeynos all the way to Commonlands to farm easier kitty cats.

    @Porygon AC does help! Even with the few pieces we've scraped together it's a little bit easier already. /goes back to slaughtering lions and somehow aggroing all the bears/
  10. Warlorf Augur

    @porygon .. Sorry the truth hurt. Didn't mean to ruin it for you. I'll make sure I craft a silk dagger to BS with tho!

    Just before I do ... Some classes are gear reliant unlike finger wigglers.
  11. Porygon Augur

    But you're wrong. My 6 chars are all level 20 and the only mages I've come I contact with have been single boxed and not . They are not everywhere. You can farm a ton of gear without going into the extremely popular zones