Free Transfer to a new server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rolento, May 26, 2015.

  1. Rolento Augur

    Now that its 100% in the talks of a second server. They asked if people would play on it. Personally i would not unless i was allowed to transfer my current character/characters there.

    I would gladly move off this extreme populated server if i could move my Wizard with me. If its going to get merged down the road. Sign me up
  2. Warlorf Augur

    Ill pass. The welfare cheques for the 6 acct boxers are bound to run out soon.
  3. Aiona Augur

    Sure, then the second or third best raiding guild on Ragefire will just all transfer over (you know, cause they aren't server "best" and all) and lock that one down for you too. :p
  4. Bumamgar Journeyman

    My wife and I would likely move if there was a free /movelog. Would definitely not move if there was a fee.
  5. Vindor Lorekeeper

    A server with strict enforcement of classic rules, no [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software], no train, no KS. You let RAGEfire as it is and open a server for normal people, thank you
  6. Elkay Augur

    I would say ban all 3rd party boxing tools on that server, but don't ban the people that want to run a box completely manually. It's the people making 6 box mage groups that are really hurting the community.
    HoneyMarmot likes this.
  7. issling New Member

    One time free transfer to new server I think is fine, I have been sitting in a que every night so I have one very low char:( Something has to be done, If it does not change in a couple more days people will just move along.