What forms of stealing are against the rules?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by CocoaNut, May 25, 2015.

  1. namad New Member

    so not classic. in 1999-2001 era whoever got the last hit got the kill credit, out damaging is for n00bs.
    Tamier likes this.
  2. Glistarian Augur

    There was a 'hilarious' case where a rogue dropped out of a pickup Vox raid at the last moment and killed her with a backstab, taking all the loot for himself. Hated that guy for a year, until I ended up in up a guild with him and he turned out to be extremely helpful and nice. He had to be, to make up for the reputation hit he'd taken over it.
  3. Raymond Lorekeeper

    People used to KS in the same group. Here's how:
    There was no item looted message in the early days. We had a guy in group who would loot the kobold priest for example and say "No BP, only shoulders."
  4. strongbus Augur

    when i pmed a daybreak employee on boards and ask him bout this. All he said was they got rid of the 1st in force rule. meaning who ever had enough force to kill the mob got to it 1st won. meaning if you petitioned a person for KSing you if the person could convince a gm that you didn't have enough force to kill it and they did it was not ksing. Don't know if this means that they are not going do anything bout ksing or if it means if you get the mob 1st then its yours and anyone trying to take it form you after you engage it is ksing
  5. Bramwell New Member

    If it's wild West out there I'd love to watch a few raids.
  6. Anon3107 Journeyman

    No no no, you don't understand. It's wild wild west until you KS/Train Twisted Legacy, then it's instaban without warning.
  7. Willy Willers Lorekeeper

    How do you know its not just 3 players?