Ragefire - Returning Player Looking for RP Guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Selinaris, May 24, 2015.

  1. Selinaris Journeyman

    Hey Everyone,

    I'm a returning player specifically coming back for the Ragefire server, hoping to find some of the friendships that I experienced in classic EQ that I haven't found in another MMO since.

    I was wondering if anyone was planning or wanting to start up a casual (I don't raid anymore) RP guild. Let me know! Otherwise I'll be looking for a casual family style guild that plays together and has fun =)

    For those that I might have known back in the day, this is the Enchanter Selorius from Maelin Starpyre =)

    Really looking forward to falling in love with EQ all over again =)
  2. Jessamyn Birdsong Journeyman

    Returning player here too, looking for the very same thing. :) Played on Firiona Vie for a bunch of years. Back here now to try and recapture some of that special "something" that I've just never found again in an MMORPG. Love and miss the friendships that were made back then, and the memories, and the weird awesome moments. :)

    I have zero desire to raid or anything like that... I love exploring, and wandering, and roleplaying, and finding interesting people to do all those things with.

    Will follow this thread -- I hope we're able to find what we're looking for! And please, feel free to look me up ingame (if I ever make it out of the damn queue). Same name. Hope to see you there!
  3. Selinaris Journeyman

    Yeah, I just sat in the queue for an hour, but now got out to spend some time with the wife. My ingame name is Selunaris, and I am still level 1, having only had 5 minutes to play today. I will definitely add you to my friend's list and I really look forward to having some good times =) By the way, looking at Lore Seekers of Norrath for a guild, because they seem most aligned with what I am looking for, but they aren't roleplay. If you manage to find a RP guild, I would definitely be interested in joining up!
  4. EmeraldOne New Member

  5. Jessamyn Birdsong Journeyman

    Roleplaying can just as easily be done among individual players... I've been in casual guilds where they simply had a sub-channel for guildies who were roleplaying at that particular time. It's more important to me to have fun playing this awesome-again game with awesome people who don't get their chainmail undies in a wad over some silly race to the top. :p
  6. Selinaris Journeyman

    Lol I completely agree Jassamyn. I've added you to my friend's list and look forward to meeting you in game sometime. EmeraldOne, I took a look at your link and I like what I read, especially the no teamspeak part =) I'll look for you or someone else in game for an invite if you want me =) An RP guild isn't really a priority as much as a guild with people who have fun together and group together. =) One of the reasons I was turned off EQ last year when I tried to come back was because everyone was boxing and no one wanted to group with each other.
  7. Jessamyn Birdsong Journeyman

    Speaking of the friend list, have any of y'all had problems with it?? I have added both Delecreux and Selunaris twice, and each time it says "such-and-such is now your friend." But then when I go back into the list, it says I have no friends. :( Am I missing a step or something?

    Here's hoping we all decide on the same guild -- it definitely sounds like we want the same thing. :)
  8. EmeraldOne New Member

    I've noticed that when you get disconnected to the Universal Chat, it takes the Friend's List with it at as well. I'm not sure why it happens (and it's easy to miss, only a red text line entry in the chat box alerts you to it) but that's most likely what's going on. It reconnects easiest it seems when you zone.
    Of course we'd like to have you Selinaris, and between the three of us if something didn't work out we could form our own, full of equally awesome people that we meet.