Nagafin Downed

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by EQ_Scotty, May 23, 2015.

  1. Calbiyum Journeyman

    3 beastlords 10 palidans and the rest mages
  2. Vadolix New Member

    Paladins? Do those even exist on this server?
  3. Roshen Brand Manager

    Mardy likes this.
  4. oleris Elder

  5. CocoaNut Elder

  6. Kellaer Augur

    Yes. If you are making an accusation of exploit/cheating, the burden of proof is on you.
  7. CocoaNut Elder

    Twisted Legacy says that rogues and monks are doing more damage than mages.

    So... there's that.
  8. Xikulis New Member

    From the looks of things nearly 50% of the server is Mages so those numbers line up.
    Indrigoth likes this.
  9. Tanecho Augur

    Nagafen down on Magefire, Lady Box is next.
    Shiea and Wayylon like this.
  10. warspirit New Member

    not a single melee class. so while you are within the rules of the server it seems the spirit of the server has been lost. grats on your win
    Brogett and Xanadas like this.
  11. Mercanyin Augur

    warspirit they used 1 warrior 3 clerics, 8 mages, 2 wizards, 1 necro, 3 enchanters
  12. Synisca Augur

  13. Baulkin Augur

    Grats Twisted Legacy. To everyone hating on the mages...That is not TL's fault. It is DBG's job to balance classes, not theirs. Props on the first kill. I'm guessing Vox and Phin will be down in the next 3 days.
  14. Viltaire Augur

    In your opinion does this show a power disparity in the classes that might be considered too large? Since the progression server was loosely based on a classic model do you think perhaps this happened way too soon even for the lack of sleep that occurred? None of this is meant to be offensive just curious since the server was slightly classic based. Eighteen people, most mages, taking down a mob that originally took a full raid seems a bit off to me.
    LastToStand and Xanadas like this.
  15. Gehlfein Elder

    Mages pets deal more damage than a party of rogues.
    Six box or you're doing it wrong.
    Nagafen down after 2 days on an EQ Vanilla server.
    I just hit level 5 on my Erudite Shadowknight.
    The city is flying.
    None of this makes sense.
  16. Solar New Member

    Aye, just trying to figure out since when using a program to run another account isn't using a bot? When will dbg figure this out and start banning them!
    LastToStand likes this.
  17. Baulkin Augur

    They may have used mage teams to level but i'm fairly sure that during the actual raid those are mostly people.
    Deadlyne and Aenoan like this.
  18. Aenoan Augur

    I know its been rough with day 1 and 2 of the server being total disasters and day 3 still sketchy at best because of the "que" but you guys need to stop being such defeatists.

    Enjoy the game for what it is, and what you wanted, 6 months of classic.
  19. Aenoan Augur

    yes, the idea has been take advantage of what sony has put out, monks and mages.
    so use them to level fast and win that race after that its all about getting the appropriate classes up and geared after.
  20. Baulkin Augur

    I totally agree. Other guilds will be raiding as well, it will just take them a bit longer to get there. If you absolutely want to be on the bleeding edge...join a guild that is trying to do that. Otherwise sit back and enjoy a server that is alive. If you stress out in week 1 or peak at week 4 you aren't going to last the 6 months to Kunark.
    Aetops and Aenoan like this.