Just gonna wait til 2 am to log in I guess.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vessen, May 22, 2015.

  1. Vessen Lorekeeper

    S**t is a joke.
  2. jacksaltw234 New Member

    This worked for me last night. Going to do the same -- hopefully by that time I'll be able to log in.
  3. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Yeah I got in repeatedly with zero problems last night after about 1 AM Eastern.
  4. Sniggz Elder

    About 12:00am EST seems to be the sweet spot. also got in immediately at 8:45am this morning.

    As soon as the Holiday weekend is over and everybody is back to a normal real life schedule and the brand new release hype has died down a bit, the login issues will be gone. Just give it a few days... Not that it doesn't suck pretty bad right now.
    CocoaNut likes this.
  5. Vulak-Arkadius Augur

    i strongly disagree, the reason the population will be lower is because people will just give up
  6. CocoaNut Elder

    So what you're saying is that people aren't putting in a lot more time now than they normally would. Uh... huh.