How many attempts to get in so far everyone?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Habeeb, May 22, 2015.

  1. Habeeb New Member

    I have my mouse macrod to click play, pause for 6 seconds, hit enter, pause for 4 and repeat. This has been going since Noon CST.
    Over 2500 attempts. So fun ~_~
  2. vardune Augur

    1000s over two days. Done.
  3. Ltldogg Augur

    Easily over a thousand spread out from this morning around 9 am off and on until current time, 5 pm PST.
  4. Obiwan-Kenobi New Member

    all day on and off, lost count at omfg #crying
  5. Iodio New Member

    every time it pauses for about 10 seconds I get all excited thinking I finally got on. Constantly trolled by the client...
  6. nectarprime123 Augur

    Spammed for 5 minutes at 4pm PST, got in.
  7. Obiwan-Kenobi New Member

    Ditto man, the OMG feeling smashed by the Pop-up of death and dismay
    Iodio and Sarthorn like this.
  8. Muslix Journeyman

    I spam dozens of times every few minutes. I've been trying off and on since 3pm EST and it's now after 8pm EST.
  9. Iodio New Member

    at least now I am getting an unknown error rather than server full...
  10. chinchey Journeyman

    Around 6pm (EDT), I clicked continuously for about 10 minutes before getting in. I got my ranger up to level 2 +72% before time to head into work. And unlike some others, I logged off to give others a chance to play. I'll resume the click-fest around 6am and hope I get in fairly quickly.
    Iodio likes this.
  11. Habeeb New Member

    Chinchey, you're a swell person.
  12. chinchey Journeyman

    Just doing what I feel is fair to everyone.

    I know that I'm a casual player and will never see a dragon killed on this server. I'm not in a race to level 50. I might be up to level 30 when the vote comes to unlock Kunark. I'm just enjoying my time playing (when I can get on) and reliving the past.
  13. Shaken Journeyman

    well 2 slots just opened up, sick of getting trained, guess I will only play week days >.>
  14. bobjones1208 Augur

    I was able to get in my first 3 attempts today with almost no problem at all. Took maybe 2 minutes of clicking to get in each time. However, I haven't been able to get back in (yes, I actually logged out each time I was done).
    Iodio likes this.