DEV BUG - Client crashes when selecting "Leave on corpse" as master looter.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MMOer, May 22, 2015.

  1. MMOer Augur

    Happened twice so far. Seems reproducable but with AFK'ers and full server dont wana test further.
  2. moogs Augur

    Are you using the default user interface? If not, be mindful that there was a patch a few days ago which modified some advloot windows. Be sure to update your custom UI.
  3. MMOer Augur

    Only using custom party and player UI.. Nothing else.
  4. totalimmortal Elder

    Can confirm this happened to me as well last night. It sucked.
  5. PathToEternity

    This happened to me twice last night. After luckily getting in a third time I tried very hard not to reproduce the problem, but this is definitely what tripped it both times. I used advanced loot for about another six hours before logging, didn't get near that button, and had no more crashes.

    Stock UI here, nothing custom.