Haven't Said a Word This Whole Time But...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Masraik, May 22, 2015.

  1. Masraik New Member

    I finally have to... The customer base warned and warned and warned that there was a mass interest in a progression server. You know that P99 struggles to handle 1900 people on at once, and you are creating a server to handle thousands? It's insanity.

    Bottom line, you were told by your customer base this was going to be an issue and you refuted it repeatedly.

    I love the hard work you are all putting in to fix the issue, but the solution is clear. You need to launch a second server before people become too bound to Ragefire. There is no plan B or more profitable solution. Your profit is in retaining your player base. I've even tried to bring a few people over from other games to relive the experience who haven't paid in almost a decade. Now I look like an idiot and they are all among those demanding refunds and no longer interested.

    Get a second server up today and put an end to this madness... Please. You know the solution. @TheWindstalker & @Roshen, you guys have been around long enough that you knew this was an issue... I love ya both, but come on... You should have never let this happen.
    Dude McBlasto likes this.
  2. Hotix Lorekeeper

  3. Unique_Moop Augur

    its too bad they couldn't have multiple servers but share a naming server so the inevitable merg is smooth and painless.
  4. Ltldogg Augur

    Agree with OP
  5. Dude McBlasto New Member

  6. Amoeba Augur

    I ain't worried. Population overload sounds pretty good as opposed to a lonely wasteland.

    Plenty of time to get a character leveled up and I have other things to occupy my mind when I can't get right in.
  7. Grimble New Member

    Agreed. I know new servers in MMOs tend to settle down after a few days/weeks, but I think the initial volume is just too high for a single classic EQ server. I don't think the server will be enjoyable at all levels after the cooling off period based on the ridiculous population numbers I'm seeing. For what its worth, I found out about this server on a non-gaming forum's OT section. Lots of old school players who never touched p1999 were ecstatic about rolling on this classic server.
  8. Hotix Lorekeeper

    Just copy paste and start a new server, or wipe vulak which no one plays and gtg.