Holly just said

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Grimji, May 22, 2015.

  1. Grimji Lorekeeper

    Holly Longdale @TheWindstalker

    We will be back at it shortly. We'll experiment with raising the Ragefire cap today. Refunds and other issues too.

    Experiment ???? You better get cracking because people are "experimenting with Cancelling and going to different games.
  2. Tiig New Member

    The cap isnt the issue. There are no mobs to kill anyone.

    Last night you could walk from one side of blackburrow to the other and not get hit by a single mob. 93 people in the zone.

    They need additional servers. If they need to merge them down the road so be it.
    moogs likes this.
  3. Healiez Augur

    Even if they open another server there will still be close to a hundred people in crushbone and blackburrow...

    And if you think those are bad wait till there are 150+ in solb and Lguk in a month
  4. Jaxarale01 Augur

    Lol perfect... I posted my experience in BB a week into beta where 10-11 people were in BB and there wasn't a single mob to be had. 93 in BB.... lolololol man they really have NO clue what they are doing.
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  5. AngorfLadroTholuxeP Augur

    There simply is not enough content in EQ Classic for one or even two servers with such a high demand. Not if you want to recreate the 'classic' EQ experience. What I saw last night was not 'classic' at all. I would vote for another server opening on Kunark or Trilogy, but even another server period would probably help. If they do decide to open a second server, but don't make the decision before the day is out, I anticipate it having the same problems as the previous one.
  6. Brelic Elder

    you could try /pickzone just saying...
  7. Dredlox Elder

  8. Kattahn Elder

    There is though. People just only do what they know.

    We had a group in Guk starting from level 3 last night, and were there uncontested for hours. Another group eventually showed up but we both coexisted just fine.

    If people utilize everything, including zones like befallen and kerra isle and najena, itll be fine.

    The problem is everyone goes "we can only level in crushbone or blackburrow"

    Yes these are not all the "ideal" leveling spots with the highest EXP/Hour, but they are all perfectly viable spots.

    This isn't a situation where every zone will have 100+ people, its a situation where people only do what they know, and we have a handful of over populated zones and 90% empty zones.

    *edit* I will clarify im talking about leveling. At the high end, with 6 months of classic, things are going to get very congested. But to say that there is not enough content for all these people to get to cap is a farce.
  9. Brulia Elder

    Only on a few newbie zones.
  10. Klaria Journeyman

    /pickzone doesn't work on the log in server... and doesn't activate early enough in some zones ;)
  11. Renfail New Member

    12+ hours is unacceptable in terms of waiting to get in. We've got a team of folks who paid for 3 month blocks who have been sitting here unable to log in. Increase server cap, or start a second server (that you can merge later on down the road if necessary).
  12. AngorfLadroTholuxeP Augur

    This is why I only bought one month and immediately cancelled the same minute. If they can hold my interest for a month, then I'll resub.
  13. Atratusphere New Member

    I 2nd Befallen. Once done with the decaying skeletons and spiderlings I'll be heading there! Or maybe taking the boat to Erud's Crossing if I can find a magic weapon to kill wisps with!
  14. magikarp Elder


    you'll make it. give it some time