Idea to fix the characters spawning in new instance (Dev please read!)

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roadrunner11, May 21, 2015.

  1. UnnamedPlayer Elder

    Wasn't there also an issue of random pre-existing characters getting boosted (it would give them gear and spells, but not level them to 50)?
  2. kfour New Member

    Uninstance freeport, qeynos and gfay and instance crushbone
  3. Kellaer Augur

    probably not
  4. Banai Augur

    This. Don't force people into any instance but the main one. Let people move to instances on their own. If you have ever looked at Aion think of it like their channel system works

    This way you could instance every zone without any issues. You could even set how many instances for each there are
  5. Greymere Augur

    The fix they used to stop 50's being created, to fix heroic armor being generated and all the spells being generated is probably also impacting what should be a normal gear/note and spell you should be getting at character creation. From everything I tested this was only happening in Gfay instances but getting an instance to show up in Gfay is easy, did anyone test Surefall Glade, Paineel, West Freeport and North Qeynos by overloading those starting areas until an instance is created to produce the same effect.
  6. toxist Lorekeeper

    just put the chest item not the note problem fixed
  7. Kpom New Member

    After wipe will be no pre-existing characters i think.

    Good idea about merchant for newbies!

    Also all newbie items can be in /claim small bag?
  8. Roadrunner11 Journeyman

    Sure, dont sell the note on the merchant. Just put the reward on there. The level 1 tunic or robe or whatever have you. Simple fix. Btw that note gives 2% at lvl 1, I'd pity the person that sat there or even ran a keyboard macro turning that in to get 50 =p
  9. Slippin'Jimmy Journeyman

    this idea is really good why don't you guys just do this? put a merchant on there and don't put the note on it. Just put the reward you get from the note. A person will lose 2% exp into level 1 from not turning the note in and that's it.
  10. Slippin'Jimmy Journeyman

    this lets you try and figure out what's going on with that code and lets us actually play the game.
  11. Greymere Augur

    This sounds like a novel possibility of a fix if it automatically creates every character in the base instance and only allows you to move between them via pick zone that may be the answer short term.
  12. Shinkhi New Member

    You've never developed software or worked in an environment where software development is being talked about, have you? This is just the symptom of a bug. We don't know what the other symptoms are and if they ignore it we could see more disastrous consequences down the road.
  13. Slippin'Jimmy Journeyman

    I really hope you guys would consider this. I know it sucks to make a work around a problem and not actually fix it but I think everyone would probably be happy with this. The whole instance thing won't be too much of an issue as people spread out and the level gaps widen
  14. Bigz_Zupdarty Augur

    yea just putting the lore items you'd get would work.. this would be most important for monks getting their bracer.
  15. Shinkhi New Member

    Everyone saying they should consider this have literally never worked on any development project. Just stop... you can't ignore the SYMPTOM of a bug just because that SYMPTOM is minor in scope. The bigger picture is unknown.
    DingoJack and Smallpox like this.
  16. Kunfo Augur

    I can say for a fact I've played games with bugs in them and it was just fine. Certainly more fun than watching a locked server screen for two days
    DingoJack likes this.
  17. Mhad Lorekeeper

    I tested the no item bug for instanced zones in Qeynos, and yes, it happens there as well.
  18. tentimes Elder

    It's quicker to find the bug than code all that, OP.
  19. Roadrunner11 Journeyman

    I agree. It's a very simple and easy temporary fix that would allow us to finally play after waiting for 24 hours. It's a bandaid but it's a bandaid for a very small scratch of a problem. It'll take a little bit of time for them to make those merchants but I would bet some good money that it wouldn't take 24 hours like this issue as been taking!
  20. Smallpox Augur

    You are not speaking for me. :)
    Deadlyne likes this.
  21. Sskefka New Member

    A note to those who are saying to ignore it. Here is an example of a probable issue with ignoring it, Lets say the population does not go down and they end up having to instance Black Burrow or The commonlands or Highpass and it turns out that after you zone in to a 5 plus instanced zone you get auto bumped to a Heroic character and loose all your progression and stuff or vice versa it makes you level 1 with no gear, then all your progress gets wiped at level 15 and up, people will be even more mad, its better they just fix it, how ever necessary.