How are you spending your wait time?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Wandidar, May 21, 2015.

  1. Katmandu26 Augur

    Independently wealthy/retired at an early age. It's also what enabled me to be up for nearly two days straight now. Need... more... caffeine!

    As to your guess on age, I was in my early 20s the first time I logged in, pre-Kunark by about a month.
    Klaria likes this.
  2. Solreal New Member

    Work, so kinda happy it's down. Muahahahah...:p
  3. Wandidar Elder

    Halflings are Gnomes in denial...
    Klaria likes this.
  4. Klaria Journeyman

    It's 16:50 (BST) as I type this, so work is over for the day, although I do have a couple of classes to teach at the gym tonight, at least I'll be home before server up.

    Lets hope the Daybreak crew have got someone doing to coffee rounds this morning!
  5. Goaliath New Member

    Haha, me too
  6. Zujilli Elder

    Finally decided on which race/class combos I'll be testing out and some good names to go with 'em. :)
    Klaria likes this.
  7. seneeb New Member

    At the moment I'm doing an idle air volume learn after replacing the ecm on a rogue. After that is lunch then replacing the CVT on an Altima
  8. Chiram New Member

    Leaving for work, because responsibilities. (Although I have a small vacation starting tomorrow bwaha)
  9. Bess_Xev New Member

    I'm at work. =p
  10. Cathar New Member

    Watching twitch streams, making a pizza and cleaning. Same as most days. :s
  11. Rheyan Lorekeeper

    I'm self employed and work from home which means days like this I get virtually no work done and faff around on the forums a lot! I can catch up with work next week :)
  12. yellowzombie Elder

    None of those. You'll get stuck with assumed pulling duty in every group you join, which is the most painful and tedious job. I was a bard on much of Fippy, having forgotten about that element of bardhood, and it wasn't even an option to not pull in a group. I'd join and the tank would go, "Great now I don't have to pull anymore!" It's just exhausting and the least relaxing/enjoyable way to play IMHO, especially in tight dungeons and crap camps. It had its gratifying moments but was a generally thankless liability.
  13. Diemond Augur

    Then don't make a bard or monk. That's like complaining that you have to heal because you made a cleric.
  14. Juicepolice Elder

    I used to love to pull, the trick is to pull so much the group is about to die......but doesn't,while keeping in range for exp.
    Bess_Xev likes this.
  15. Diemond Augur

    That's what I hated most, those long pulls where you don't get exp.
  16. Brinne New Member

    Doing housework/laundry that I put off yesterday cause I was too busy sitting here hitting F5. =P I'm parttime, really parttime (15ish hours a week, roughly) which is awesome for my gaming addiction. Currently playing Witcher 3 and I'll be splitting my time between the 2 games, which makes me super happy.
  17. Katmandu26 Augur

    Ugh, me too. I actually just *gasp* cleaned the toilet. I've graduated from forum browsing to cleaning. Ragefire save me!
    Zujilli likes this.
  18. yellowzombie Elder

    That's a really silly comparison. And I'm making neither monk nor bard. I was contributing my experience, having overlooked that massive element of bardhood when I thought, "Oh yeah bards always looked neat!"
  19. Diemond Augur

    Well I didn't mean you in particular to not make one, just a general statement for any that are thinking of making one, if you do be expected to do the pulling unless there is someone in group that wants to do it, there are rare cases of it.
  20. Brinne New Member

    You are a braver soul than I, I seriously need to invest in a self-cleaning toilet.
    Katmandu26 likes this.