I just woke up, somebody catch me up lol!

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rheyan, May 21, 2015.

  1. Rheyan Lorekeeper

    I went to bed last night (I'm in the UK) about 2am and they'd just brought the server down a second time. It's locked now I see. I can't be bothered to read all the threads - what happened over the last 8 hours?
    Klaria likes this.
  2. Nolrog Augur

  3. Rheyan Lorekeeper

    Thank you
  4. Ordo New Member

    Am in UK also, went to bed last night hoping would wake up and the server will be ready to go :( Oh well just one of those things,hopefully will be up this evening sometime.
  5. Jadefox Augur

    Seems like they found the problem, and hopefully corrected it. Something to do with old coding causing a rare problem. One that becomes visible when thousands of people are there .They're going to try and open it up later today. Someone said they're shooting for another 3pm Pacific window, but I couldn't find a source for that. Possible it was said during testing.

  6. Rheyan Lorekeeper

    Yeah same. Well it gives me a reason to actually do some work today *sigh*
  7. Velnarin Lorekeeper

    They fixed the level 50 bug but there's still one involving certain race/class/gender combinations spawning with absolutely no items. Therefore, several more test runs were done including one full character wipe and a second will be done later this morning once (or perhaps after) they're confident that they have the issues handled. The tentative plan is one more test run this morning and then a full release in 10? Hours at 12pm PDT, depending on the progress of the issue. Presumably beta not having this problem was a result of newbie zone instancing not being required on that server so there being a lack of proper environment to get this particular issue to show its face.

    Everyone that has been able to do anything to help, including the players, have been assisting with it all night. Everyone is having a spot of rest now. Further updates will be posted to various staff's twitter pages with one of the most notable being the glorious and talented Holly Longdale: https://twitter.com/TheWindstalker
    Rheyan likes this.
  8. Katmandu26 Augur

    The latest estimate was noon tomorrow but don't count on that or make plans for it!! Absor said that it was a hope more than set in stone. Now would be the perfect time to get some stuff done and then lose yourself when it does get up and going. :)

    Me, I'm going to say goodbye to my friends and family. They won't be seeing me again until June or July of 2017.

    EQ was the only game I've ever stayed up three days straight for. It was for epics.
    Wayylon and Rheyan like this.
  9. Ordo New Member

    3pm PST is 11:00pm for us, oh well the sun is shining guess will head to the pub in the afternoon and waste my day off that way instead :)
    Wayylon and Rheyan like this.
  10. Katmandu26 Augur

  11. Nolrog Augur

    Absor didn't say it will open at noon, he said noon is optimistic (which means that it will likely be much later than that.)
  12. Katmandu26 Augur

    That's what I'd said a few posts up, I just didn't have the quote at the time.
  13. Klaria Journeyman

    UK here as well. Glad I decided to go to bed at 11:30 :D

    As much as 12pm PDT would be a good time (8pm for us), I'll be anything it's 3pm again, oh well, so long as they get it working, whats an extra day :)
    Ordo likes this.
  14. Rheyan Lorekeeper

    Yeah that would be a good time for us! But we'll probably spend the evening constantly refreshing the forums :)
    Ordo and Klaria like this.
  15. Xanadas Augur

    An old bug that only happens when there are a lot of people playing the game.. /snicker
  16. Klaria Journeyman

    Same here, although I'll be getting in at 8pm tonight, so the timing would be brilliant :D
    However, I might need a new F5 key before that
  17. Fallfyres Augur

    O-P, if you're interested, read a little with your morning java.

    IF they ask, do little to nothing on their own, no worries...IT will come.

    *Stop it. All of You. Allow the man/woman to find the motivation to think for themselves.
    Quit putting your brains on loan...that's the kind of crap that has made the convenience crowd surge so quickly forward in our MMO's. *Shakes head.
  18. Klaria Journeyman

    Corrected for UK localisation :D
    Ordo and Fallfyres like this.