limited access name stealing

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Babyruthie, May 20, 2015.

  1. Tudadar Augur

    They said testing. I think they will wipe it again.
  2. Hurbicide Journeyman

    -=edit=- mother's house.

    Here's a thought... Get some more original names... Like my high elf named Afroman.... Cause I got high!
  3. Jenarie Elder

  4. Ultrazen Augur

    Alas, your beloved 'deeznuts' is probably gone already.....
  5. Idioteque New Member

    Got my name! Yes!
  6. Rasper Helpdesk The Original Helpdesk

    I'd be a little disappointed if Rasper was taken, so I can understand attachment to names.
  7. Numiko Augur

    they should enable ASCII and unicode so we can have names like •?((¯°·._.• βℓąȼЌώ๏ℓƒ •._.·°¯))؟• :eek:
  8. Weverley Augur

    You can take my name anytime u want i use random 95% of the time anyway
  9. Bagels New Member

    Sihpa can you hold all of the final fantasy names please
  10. Diemond Augur

    God I hate those, worst idea any game ever had was to enable that sh*t
  11. dc.hawkeyegold Lorekeeper

    I had a friend who couldn't get his name Makesix - (pronounced mah kessicks) I always gave him crap about being named "Make six". On a whim he took the name Makeseven instead. By the time he hit level 20, we had his surefire last name figured out. Upyours. A name is only what you make of it, not what it makes of you, unless your name is Makeseven Upyours.
  12. Oldschool Elder

  13. Babyruthie Elder

    The stolen names were out of spite, they aren't even logged in. You guys are idiots if you think it's generic names we're complaining about.
  14. Bagels New Member

    Please post these not generic stolen names
  15. Mrs_Brisby Elder

    Someone stole a bunch of my guild mates names, including mine. It's intentional griefing.
  16. Diemond Augur

    Whether it's a generic name or the most unique name ever created, it's still.........just a name.
  17. Bagels New Member

    server population raised ^^
  18. Slasher Augur

  19. ShenXX Lorekeeper

    Its a name..jesus
  20. Mrs_Brisby Elder

    And I'm not talking about names like "Drizzt" or "Legolas".