Chill Out

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Lokrian, May 20, 2015.

  1. randomtia New Member

    This is definitely "max nostalgia". :p
    Wichie Wtf likes this.
  2. Almir Elder

    Yep, once you've done something for 16 years you'll never make a mistake again in that field.


  3. Aetops New Member

    Why is everyone calling for a server wipe? So what if some n00b has a one hour head start on you and so what if someone has a one hour buff. It's a game not a race, and even if it were, its just incentive to grind harder. goodness me.

    And, to the 20 something people calling for a wipe or you'll ragequit... think of the 500 something people who are in the game and have done nothing wrong, why do they deserve a wipe. That would make me upset. This is just a typical SOE speed bump. #MaxNostalgia
  4. Boxal Lorekeeper

  5. Kahna Augur

    Because the guy who buffed that newb had 75k plat and access to a shared bank. All "heroic" beta characters had 75k plat.
  6. Catashe Augur

  7. Aetops New Member

    Devs can (and do) track trades and can (and will) remove suspect contraband. So... again... why wipe everyone who did nothing wrong?
  8. DBCooper Elder

    Except almost all support staff was fired. You think Absor is going to personally check all those logs and take action?
  9. Tyche Elder

    They could have wiped the server in the first twenty mins but instead are going to spend hours and days tracking down people with their famous faulty scripts? Which would have been the smarter move?
  10. Darkening Lorekeeper

    I'm just getting mad b/c I'm sitting here drinking watching the forums, I should be drinking and killing orcs and singing songs..
  11. Kahna Augur

    Because that takes time and resources and isn't automated. Wiping is the fastest and easieat way to get the server back up an running in a non-compromised state. Anyone who kept playing after noticing their were 50's in the game had to know it was likely to be wiped. I don't feel sorry for them in the least.
  12. Adaman New Member

    Meet the new boss...same as the old boss.

  13. nucleoli New Member

    I'm guessing most of those saying "no wipe" are the ones using the exploit.

    Just wipe it and give us the experience advertised, it won't hurt us to even wait an extra day to start.
    Menthas likes this.
  14. Menthas Journeyman

    I hope the people whining/complaining that they aren't getting what they want, right when they want it, do follow through with their threats (they won't). This may help weed out some of the goobers.
  15. Banai Augur

    EQ has been around for like 16 years. This is the 3rd time they do a progression server ... so all the 'chill out this always happens with launches' excuse is completely null and void. This is not their first time making this game
  16. Vorpalsun New Member

    LOL, I resubscribed today after 12 years. last time I played the lvl cap was 65. I find that there is already one major difference. The server launch got messed up not very surprising it happens. 12 years ago I would have been pissed, but now I am an adult. I realize that its simple. Then will either fix it and have new customers and revenue or they wont and people will unsubscribe. No drama needed. If I was worried about the $14.95 I just paid as I adult I know how to call my bank and dispute a charge. Its no big deal. Give them a little time they either fix it or they don't and proceed accordingly. I am glad I held off the $89.95 new expansion until I see where this is going but at the end of the day its nothing to get your hair messed up about. ;)
    randomtia likes this.
  17. Aetops New Member

    I assure you, I have not made it into the game, and I have not used an exploit. I am stuck out here, wishing I could be playing, just like the rest of you. I woke up at 5am (in Australia) for this , torn between going back to bed and waiting it out with no ETA.
    But to call for a wipe, to me, seems a bit juvenile.
    There are hundreds (of not thousands) of players who are receiving the advertised experience right now, inside the locked server, and you'd have them reset? That's not the experience they signed up for, so what makes you so special?