What is the best way to get back in the game?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Gasi, May 19, 2015.

  1. Gasi New Member

    Need some advice on returning to eq - from what I could gather its effective to buy the collectors edition of the darkened sea to create a heroic character. Also would need to buy the monthly subscription.

    I still haven't figured out what buying kronos, Daybreak Cash (same as Station Cash) and other currency does but hopefully I will find some one in game that can guide me.

  2. Ghirardelli New Member

    One way to ease back into the game is to start on the new TLP launching tomorrow. It will start in classic and open expansions every 6mths up to PoP then 3 months after that. There will be quality of life adjustments from classic EQ.

    You can also play on live, but if you are coming back to EQ, it could be overwhelming. Kronos you can use to add a month to your EQ account or sell in game for plat. the Daybreak Cash are for purchasing exp potions and other things from the station store. There is an abundance of things you can buy including game time through station cash.

    Hope this helps a bit. Cheers
  3. sifonin Augur

    Hi! Nice to see former members rejoining the community.

    The collectors edition is a completely viable way to get back into the game. However, you will need to research what class you want to play, and make sure you know the role that this class plays. Basically, it may sort of be like someone handing you the keys to a Ferrari (with a 6 speed standard transmission) when all you know how to drive is a Honda automatic transmission sedan.

    I think it is completely feasible for someone brand new to get back into the game using either the F2P model (which will need to upgraded eventually) or by buying the standard version of TDS and rolling characters until you find the right fit. Sure its useful to have a character right at 85 when you log in with all of the gear/aa's that are appropriate for that level, but this gear will not take you very far past 85 and you will soon need to make major upgrades after rolling your heroic toon. My advice is roll from level 1 and experience the class for what it is suppose to be.

    If are having trouble deciding on a server, I love playing on Luclin. It is a blend of returning players, high end raiders (still have some of the top raid guilds in the game), and people all over the middle of this spectrum. My experience has been that people in the EQ community are usually willing/happy to help people like yourself. My main character on luclin is Sifonin, but I am currently working on a lowbie wizard named Kossmo... feel free to PM me or send me a tell in game.

    Best of luck in your adventures,

  4. Borek-VS Augur

    Heroic characters cost SC 3,500 (equivalent to $35 if you don't have any special offers), TDS collectors SC $90, which is $50 more than the basic TDS. So I wouldn't say that collector's edition is good value for a Heroic.

    If you want to go the Heroic Character route, then you can keep on deleting and recreating to check out different classes at 85 (but remember to stash the cash, as you only get that on the first HC).

    If you play on a normal server, you can go F2P, but as such can't take AA auto-grant. The important use of a Krono is that you can buy one, either from the store with $$ or from a player with pp, and turn on auto-grant (preferably once you are 90+) to catch up on AAs.

    If you plan to go to Ragefire, then you must have a sub, but TDS and Heroic Characters won't be much use to you.
  5. count_zero99uk New Member

    Hi there, im returning to the game as well from a long long absence my plan was to have a couple of quick goes through the tutorial in the glooming dark caves - did this a bit met some nice people and some not nice people got to grips with the general feel of the ui again but didnt want to go too far with things like mercs as would have messed up the second step.

    Second step - join ragefire and play from scratch :) ask people there for help and hope its a good community.

    Still thinking this is a good idea. Just wondering what time it will be live (GMT) tommorow.

    Take care looking forward to seeing people in game.
  6. Roxxanna Augur

    Best way to jump back in is in a good family guild, I have SERIOUS concerns about the TLP server tomorrow, the play nice policy has basically been chucked out the window, so it might get rough for returnees. If it doesn't work out, new and returning people are welcome in our guild on the Rathe.
    Borek-VS likes this.
  7. Rykard Augur

    The best way to get back into the game is to start downloading the launcher. Figure out what class you want to play and logging in!

    Launcher can be found here.


    Daybreak/Station Cash is in-game cash used to buy in-game items.

    Kronos are items which can be used to pay for subscriptions or Daybreak Cash. You can buy it and sell the krono in the marketplace for platinum to spend in the game for gear, spells, ...etc.

    As far as getting the best experience from returning, I think joining the new TLP server, ragefire. You will have a lot of people to play and relearn the game with.

  8. Borek-VS Augur

    Yes, what Roxxy says.

    If you want to play on Ragefire, then getting into a good guild ASAP should be your priority. There will be a certain amount of luck with that, as you don't have a group of friends on live servers that will be moving over.

    Remember that Ragefire will be more like Classic was than Live is now; but there will still be considerable differences. Bugs fixed, unfair penalties removed, faster levelling, and many zone changes - some good, some terrible (Freeport). Whether this is a problem or not for you is impossible to say; some people wishing for Classic EQ may find that they have changed, and it isn't really what they want after all.

    There's always room on the Live servers for more if it doesn't work out :).
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Just so you know, the Play Nice Policy was thrown out the window for ALL servers.
  10. Roxxanna Augur

    Yes, I realize that, however it's not the same thing. On older servers, with established guilds, with many more zones, with multiple ways of porting around, where most of the time your either alone in a zone, or in an instance, it just isn't a factor. Today, everyone's gonna be on top of each other, without easy ways of getting away from a bully.
  11. count_zero99uk New Member

    Hey :)

    Looking forward to today, also rolled up a little gnomeish Necro on The Rathe in case it all goes wrong :)

    Hope to see you all later :)

    Take care.
  12. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    While I understand your concerns, there was a lot of blowback when this announcement was made. A lot f people who had said they were going to play on Ragefire were spouting off how they were just going to run amok with the absence of rules. However, I think the mood has shifted. Sure there are a couple guilds that have a reputation from Fippy/Vulak that will be on Ragefire that will likely play the blocking content game, but there several other guilds already forming up their rosters for the new server that are looking to build a GOOD community, and not make this a negative experience.

    I've experienced a lot of negative things in my life, as I am sure most of us have. I choose not to dwell on what might could go bad. Instead, I choose to hope that we can work things out in a good way ourselves, without the even more limited CS staff having to come down and shove a completely unpalatable solution down our throats - even those of us who will not be transgressors.
  13. Roxxanna Augur

    Im hoping I'm completely wrong. Either way, I will be on my best behavior, see you guys on the field :)
    Doranur_Aleguzzler and Zujilli like this.
  14. moogs Augur

    Punch the bully in the mouth. That usually resolves the issue.