Corpse Runs?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Devante, May 11, 2015.

  1. Devante Lorekeeper

    I've been gone for about 13 years and have tried to read up on current gameplay but was wondering this. Do you not leave a corpse behind anymore when you die? If not, doesn't that take away a chunk of versatility of Necros? Are necros even needed anymore? Thanks in advance.
  2. Amoeba Augur

    You will have all your gear on you when you re-spawn. I believe your corpse stays until you get a rez to regain lost xp.

    Summoning a corpse will be useful if you died in a hard to reach location, or DotH (Drag of the Hero) for raiding purposes.
  3. Crystilla Augur

    You don't leave a corpse behind anymore when you die. This is due to a change they had to make - to allow mercenaries to come into existence (since mercenaries get paid by coin ... if you happened to have died and not gotten back to your corpse by the time a mercenary needed their next payment, you'd lose the mercenary).

    That said, long long before they put mercenaries in the game, they created the Guild Lobby where you can pay a NPC to summon your corpse for you (you still have to find your own rez or use a mercenary to rez you). Additionally, they gave SK's the ability to summon your corpse if in zone with you/the corpse.
  4. Amoeba Augur

    "You don't leave a corpse behind" sounds wrong. From what I remember, there will be a corpse, just your gear/coin won't be on it. Same as they did with Fippy. This allows for corpse summoning via necro/shadow knight as well as rezes for xp regain.
  5. vardune Augur

    How do u get ressed if u dont leave a corpse. Wtf.
  6. Fallfyres Augur


    It was too inconvenient apparently. More people than ever are all about the speed of everything, the convenience, and the soloability as far as MMO's currently go. There are still those who still focus on and enjoy the journey, but for a seeming majority, almost the whole mindset goes to: "The game begins at cap." So, they care very little about spending anything other than the most efficient use of their time to hurry and get to end game and play whatever content is available in a particular game.

    That being said, many of the elements which used to give meaning to classes being dependent on each other, and interactions which were the norm for us, have now been wiped away in the many changes, or at best, diluted.

    There are many such changes over these years. It is precisely because of those 'convenience' changes that a good chunk of those resubbing are headed to this new progression server. Ragefire will not be classic, but probs a hell of a lot closer to it than you will ever see again.

    Gotta get in the game, learn the changes and just roll with it. You will love some, and detest others. However, after a time of transition and as you meet other EQ vets especially, you may find you are having a heck of a good time, again!
  7. Ducreux Augur

    You still leave corpses when you die as long as the death results in an experience loss. Don't judge the game based on faulty info you get from forums.

    If you want to get experience back from a death you still need to bring a rezzer to the corpse or bring the corpse to the rezzer. Lobby corpse summoning won't be in for at least 2 years.
    Irbax_Smoo and Numiko like this.
  8. MBear Augur

    I don't agree with this at all.
    Each time they open a new server it gets a little more classic. The assumption you are making is that this server will be the last and final move in that direction. I prefer to stay optimistic that they have future plans for everquest and that we will continue to get better each time we do a new server.
  9. Behee Augur

    I think you meant you don't leave items on your corpse. The corpses are empty, but can be seen, dragged, and ressed. But when you respawn you have everything with you.
  10. Freki Augur

    in this they are trying to bring it as close to classic as they can. they however can not make old zones again like freeport will be the new freeport. corpses are there for rezes but no longer do you even worry about loosing your corpse and gear. it is sad no corpse runs.. but hey i can deal. hehehe also some other things will be like they are now but they have limited races, char design, and everything as much as possible to classic 1999 eq.... it is so nice to see this. and i WILL RESUB to get this. i am already having a great time in the beta... it reminds me of what i remember when i started playing in 2001. i am LOVING THIS! the graphics are baaad but hey i'll accept it for the experience of how mmo's used to be or close to that.
    MBear likes this.
  11. Numiko Augur

    Corpse summoning is still needed when you fall off the causeway in E.Karana on the way to Highhold and you land in a spot to far away for /corpse to work ...

    not that I have ever done that myself! :D more then two or three times. :oops:
  12. Crystilla Augur

    BAH, that's what I get for typing this while listening to a meeting.

    Yes, you don't leave items on your corpse anymore.
    Amoeba likes this.
  13. Amoeba Augur

    Excellent you come and corrected your previous statement. Really a sign of good character. Hopefully I get the chance to group with you a few times!
  14. Fallfyres Augur

    I like your attitude MBear. +1 for your post, thanks.
  15. Irbax_Smoo Augur

    It might be of note to mention that Necromancers received a major boost in the DPS department. Their dots stack with other necromancer's dots and with lower versions of themselves.
    Frenzic and Behee like this.
  16. Behee Augur

    Yeah, Necro's are way more powerful than they were, and they were by no means bad. But their power is very different from mages, which is also just fine with me. It's the variety in EQ that is fun.
  17. gluteous Elder

    corpse runs stopped way before mercs were thought of, seems like either velious at launch or during it
  18. MBear Augur

  19. Batbener Augur

    The ending of corpse runs were at least after GoD, but probably later.
  20. code-zero Augur

    Corpse runs pretty much ended when people figure out that they could start a boxed account with a cleric and park it somewhere safe to perform rezzes in a wipe back sometime in 2002 IIRC