What Happened to my bear?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Petowner, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Petowner New Member

    I have a 60 Ogre Beast lord.

    When I took a break from him about a year ago my bear was big and ferocious.

    I come back and summon my warder and find that he is tiny and weak-looking.

    Why did you make my bear tiny?

    How do I make it big again?
  2. Theia New Member

    They made all the BST pets smaller when they introduced Woodelf BSTs. Instead of a tiger I have a kitten :(
  3. moogs Augur

    Does the Shaman still have a Grow spell? I remember once there was a gigantic polar bear sitting in the Nexus center when that used to be the mecca for MGBs.