Missing quest NPCs..Belle of the ball.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by RangerDanger#1, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. RangerDanger#1 Lorekeeper

    Vainglorious Gloria and Cruel Danille are missing on FV. Seems,after talking with /general that this is an ongoing problem. Are these mobs killable? Can we have this looked at please?
  2. Prathun Developer

    We've reactivated those spawns on Firiona Vie. The NPCs are not killable, but the zone may have been repopped and it doesn't look like the event spawn system handles repops gracefully. Vainglorious Gloria and Cruel Danille were up on the other servers that I checked. Thanks for letting us know!
    roguerunner and RangerDanger#1 like this.
  3. RangerDanger#1 Lorekeeper

    I was able to finish the quest last night. Thank you for the quick response.