Anyone have any tips on getting your wife to play EQ? My wife hate's games lol

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dramatime, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Leeanni Elder

    If she like pets, have her play a bst. That's how my son got me started. He knew I liked Pikachu that followed me around in Pokemon Yellow. I made a bst with a kitty and I was hooked. I lasted 12 years and finally retired last year. It was a very good run. My husband never did play. He has his hobbies that keep him involved out in his shop in the back yard. It worked out fine for us.
  2. Aghinem Augur

    This is what I did - I told my fiance to play it for a solid 60 minutes; and if she needed help - she could ask for it. If after 60 minutes she didn't like it - I would never bother her again and give her $100 to go shop for whatever she wanted. The rule though was she had to play for a dedicated 60 minutes. Well, after about 65 minutes went by, I went in and told her it was time to shut it off. Her response was, "Im in the middle of a fight - don't interrupt me!" /SOLD
    Leeanni, Yinla and Nniki like this.
  3. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    If you set up a character for her make sure the screen is as uncluttered as possible with UI elements. When I tried to get a gf to play her complaint was the screen was filled up with chat windows spells etc etc.... I set my screens up for maximum info she wanted maximum viewing area. Just a thought.

    I also tried highlighting the chatting features... that was after her comment of "So you just keep killing monters all of the time?" Decorating houses in game was a fail too.... *sighs*

    On the other hand she loves Co-op CoD...
  4. Vivamort Augur

    Have kids. Get kids playing. Then use the family game time angle. Your kids will help cajole her into it.

    It may backfire in that with kids you will have a lot less time to play though. lol
  5. Fendy Augur

    You also forgot about the 13 year wait until the kids are old enough to play per the EULA ;)