New Server and Hacking Programs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Fippyisdead, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Sinzz Augur

    Hmm lets keep this in perspective its a video game not even a pvp video game but a pve how exactly is there aby competition besides raid guilds, hell we dont even has eqplayers or ladders of any type to compare
  2. Sinzz Augur

    And before anyone crys im not bashing the op im just sayin as i have been where do you draw the line? As others have pointed out there is multiple ways of cheating and everytine soe invested money into stopping it it was circumvented. How much do you want them to spend to try to stop this? Or would you rather enjoy the game and the most seriois offenders get banned by player reporting and backups from logs?
  3. Fippyisdead Apprentice

    Sinzz, are you one of the cheating turds?
    Meatball likes this.
  4. Sinzz Augur

    I cannot tell i lie i has looted a no drop item i never had part in killing for / bows head in shame
  5. Sinzz Augur

    Although i was on fippy early in i was of no impact to anyone i never stayed much after the hacking thing due to work
  6. Sinzz Augur

    Hey how about guilt by association if you in same zone grouped or otherwuze with a suspected hacker reaping rewards of said hax should they be banned as well ?
    Fippyisdead likes this.
  7. Meatball Elder

    Coming soon to the next TLP server, from the AMC TV Network studios:

    Better Call Sinzz!

    Every FD just an act like Slippin' Jimmy.
    Dandy and Sinzz like this.
  8. Fippyisdead Apprentice

    I've seen this very thing happen, people getting suspended for being grouped with obvious hackers. I know 2 guys on Fippy that got suspended for being with someone that was warping around the zone.

    I also know those 2 guys that were not hacking, never grouped with the 1 that was again.

    Lets go further. If you are raiding with someone hacking, they should suspend the whole raid. I bet all those suspended accounts would be quick to kick the hacker out of the guild, no?

    A lesser penalty to the conspirators but a penalty is a darn good idea. I'm glad you suggested it.
    Zoggzog, Sinzz and Meatball like this.
  9. Sinzz Augur

    Finally we agree on something fippy :) now about those cameras in everyones houses ....
  10. Sinzz Augur

    Coffie came out neh nose !
  11. Meatball Elder

    There's no expectation of privacy in Norrath, lol.
    They could be watching you 24/7/365 and you'd never know it.
    Sinzz likes this.
  12. Iila Augur

    Key broadcasting through [Unmentioned 3rd Party Software] hitting a social to target a mob and activate HT. Then turn on autofire for that key with your gaming kb.

    Could get an even faster response by binding target nearest npc and HT to the same key, but that would explode any npc that "happened" to appear.
  13. Vaclav Augur

    Normally I'd disagree Sinzz - but living near Cape Canaveral now (within range of rocket launches that we can feel and see them if we go outside) with our AC croaking yesterday.... I can relate... [repair dude is an hour late right now.... he was here yesterday, now he's just getting here with the new compressor, so I imagine he's just having transport difficulties with it, it looked like a large part to replace]

    (Although playing Bloodborne naked is probably one of the weirder combos out there - technically in a light sleep robe though for the record)
  14. Grish Augur

    Page 2? Not on my watch.