Bring some order to the lobby

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Galliana, Mar 20, 2015.

  1. Fenudir Augur

    DBG needs to implement what most MMOs do these day. After a certain amount of time afk, you get auto-booted.
  2. Kellaer Augur

    Everquest is different from all other MMORPGs where there are 900 different types of buffs from most of the classes that can help you, and that there are really long camp times for things. Auto booting people would be frustrating for the people that don't have a reliable source of buffs from their guild hall.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  3. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    Leaving yourself logged in is also a way to keep someone else from logging you in. I know someone currently doing this as an additional layer of security.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Scila like this.
  4. Sebbina Augur

    Suggesting zone-wide mass buffs for the lobby and PoK has been made before, no idea on whether it could be done and less if it would be done.
  5. Notinterested Augur

    Thats incorrect. If you are logged in and someone else tries to log in it will boot you and let them in...

    Cant count how many times i meant to start my second account up only to boot my main off accidentally.
  6. genaro44 Lorekeeper

    Options > General > Accept kick requests

  7. TibalMurphy Elder

    get a better computer? oh wait not everyone can afford one....oh wait lets complain about people afking in lobby so i can afk...lets kick people out of game cause they are using their own electricity...lets complain about ither players just to start a forum thread...
  8. Silv Augur

    You realize that even with a super computer from the year 9999 you would still lag in EQ if you were near the buff pile, right? If the PnPolicy actually existed I'm sure someone could make an argument for griefing via zone disruption because of the lag.

    The problem is multifaceted because 1) EQ has a stupid buff system relative to every other modern game (illogical timers), 2) Level of success can definitely be attributed to what buffs you have, 3) Giant piles of people will lag almost anyone, 4) There is no effective option to alleviate #3 because everyone turns off their auto-AFK.

    But yes... let's completely dismiss a legitimate issue :rolleyes:
  9. Notinterested Augur

    That does absolutely nothing at all. Go test it, literally nothing you will still be booted.
  10. genaro44 Lorekeeper

    What I see without "Accept kick requests" ticked :

    Not sure what to tell you, this has always worked for me. Can't get past the server select ("Please wait while the currently logged in player...") without saying yes to the above on the active toon.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Incorrect really that only happen if you have accept kick requests turned on. If you dont then you dont get booted.
  12. Galliana Elder

    That would foul the Bazaar.

    I dont mind the pig pile at the entrance near the Magus, although it can be annoying. It's mounts and mercs in the GL that are the problem. Even worse when they do it at the zone line, because the ZI for the GL is tight and cramped.

    Whoever designed the GL did a real crap job.
  13. Melanippe Augur

    This topic crops up as regularly as weeds in the spring.

    There is nothing wrong with the design of the Guild Lobby.

    If your rig cannot handle the Lobby that is not the problem of Daybreak, now is it.

    There are already numerous remedies available to players which can reduce lag, if that is actually a problem. Use them.

    Insisting that other players should be booted, punished, ostracized because YOUR rig is sub-par is not only amazingly selfish it's ridiculous.
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Aghinem like this.
  14. Fenudir Augur

    The Bazaar is a relic and needs to be replaced with a much more modern trading system. In fact, they should have worked on that instead of the new loot system
    Ratbo Peep likes this.
  15. Vanrau Augur

    Nothing needs to be done with guild lobby. People need to learn how to use the display options to hide players. Actor clip plane is a setting that has been around for years. Turn it all the way down and you won't see any characters unless they are standing on top of you.
  16. Kellaer Augur

    It would be kinda nice if that setting could be applied only in the guild lobby.

    I realize the developers tried to help this problem by making AFK players, their pets, and their mercs into shadowmen, but people can set themselves so they never auto-AFK, and it can't be applied to only one zone. So that solution was nice, but it was just a band-aid.
  17. segap Augur

    Group with people that play the classes with the buffs you desire? You know that's actually part of the design of the game? I actually miss short duration buff timers for the fact that long ones now encourage people to just seek the buffs and not the person to group with. And that is coming from someone that was often the only enchanter on raids buffing an entire guild every 27 or so minutes without group buffs (targeted or mass). What a giant pain that could be.
  18. MrGPAC Augur

    To institute zonewide buffing they'd just have to crate a zonewide aura buff, similar to the one in tower of rot, that increased the range of beneficial spells. The only question there would be is if there is a limit to the range that they can add to buffs in the current code. Still...this seems like a great idea as PoK is a huge zone and allowing people to spread out in it would be hugely beneficial to the lag situation.

    As far as the buffs thing goes...I never have personally afk'd for buffs, though I have occasionally mgb'd buffs on afk people. This all stems from a terrible incident back during PoP when I was in pick up groups all the time. I formed a group once and we were well balanced and ready to go get some XP in BoT. The problem? 3 group members refused to even zone in until they got a C3...

    2 hours later with 0 mobs killed the group broke because they never did find a C3. Keep in mind, I was a bard in the group with plenty of mana song to share with everyone...

    From that day forward I vowed never to rely on a buff that couldn't be cast by my group. It has gotten to the point where when I DO have buffs that my group can't cast that I consider it a jinx similar to popping lessons of the devoted...

    That said, I have zero issues doing content with nothing but Cleric and self buffs, but your mileage may vary depending on class, gear, and aa levels.

  19. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Casters can get by with Crack Potions. Melee can get by with haste potions.
    Hybrids need both potions. Rat carries 100 of each at all times.
  20. Bamboompow Augur

    I have never liked this response to this particular issue. Mostly because EQ is a 16+ year old game and has never really been optimized by any stretch of the imagination. My computer is pretty strong but the lobby still lags me in addition to certain events when people pump out literally hundreds of pets. It something I just deal with, even though its annoying and costs me dropping down on parse in the case of pet lag.

    So saying you need to part with some cash and get a top of the line gaming rig is a bit absurd in itself, considering that a computer that lags in the lobby will play most every other game out there, including most new titles, on high settings no problem. I tend to not upgrade until a NEW game causes issues. Not an "ancient" one.

    Anyway, passing the buck to the players is an easy out. As long as players tell other players that their computer is a piece of **** than Daybreak is not going to give a rat's pink pimpled butt about doing anything about it. Nothing will change. Just deal with it and move on.
    Fenudir likes this.