More Anniversary Fail

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Lighteningrod, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Lighteningrod Augur

    Korukust's Royal Pain: Step 2 - Let no being get in your way 22 / 23. 3 trackers in zone, BRD, DRU,RNG. I was shorted two mobs. I only got up to 22 by killing Korukust, which screwed the quest up anyway.

    Happy Anniversary! Another 90 minutes down the drain. come on guys :(
  2. Uuvin Augur

    just click the princes' door, go do hails, spawn the prince and his mobs. kill them for kill credits.
  3. Iila Augur

    I always felt that any instance that required X kills of a type should have a total of X+2 in the zone somewhere to cover the random times where mobs just don't work right.

    I was involved in multiple of the PoFear missions in HoT where one of the babies didn't register getting killed for whatever reason. The frightfingers could kill themselves with nukes, but I also saw it happen with gorgons. It really sucks to get deep into a task and have it bug for some unknown reason because there's not enough of a mob to complete an update. Having a little reserve of update mobs to dig into for the emergencies would be nice.
    Fenudir and Fanra like this.
  4. Lighteningrod Augur

    I did. Received a message to the effect of "Korucust says to leave this door alone. He will take care of the Prince." It was a pop up text on the screen, not a chat text to the log file. Nor did it spawn any extra mobs, see above about 3 trackers in zone.
  5. Uuvin Augur

    ok. maybe was library door + foraging. I agree that you shouldn't have to do things that are scripted for the future in order to get updates now so you can do the scripted future ( if that makes sense at 4 am).
  6. EQLegacy New Member

    Don't bother petitioning either. Here's what I got (below). I guess none of my subscription money is going towards training competent folks to help keep their customers happy and around.

    Dear customer,

    "I realize you're unhappy with the outcome here, however it is not open for debate, nor will your petition be escalated further. I represent the management team and I have detailed our position on the matter in my previous reply. This case is now closed and further updates to the petition will go unanswered.

    Lead GM XXXXXX
    Customer Service Supervisor
    Daybreak Game Company, LLC.
  7. Bamkan Augur

    It takes you 90mins to kill 22 mobs?

    You are going to hate this, but you need to kill about 110 mobs in total to finish this task.

    There are ways currently to get the mask very quickly if that is all you are after. They have said they are going to change that. I don't believe they'll make the correct changes.
    Lisandra likes this.
  8. Warpeace Augur

    Such a poor answer from someone using the title Lead GM and Customer Service Supervisor.
  9. silku Augur

    The tone and wording of the answer indicates that there was a very long conversation that we aren't seeing. While I agree it seems terse.. I'd also like to see all the words that came before, before I'd pass judgement on the quality of their answer.
  10. Lighteningrod Augur

    lol ... That's what you took from this? Next time I'll be sure to kill the mobs moar faster so I can drop the mission and start over over moar faster.
  11. Noirfu Augur

    Did you possibly have characters zoning in and out of the task during the first phase? In my experience there are exactly the required number of mobs in each area. I'm guessing something happened like a mob dying to a DoT while characters were zoning or something like that.

    With a bard in the group you should be able to mow this one down. More like 15 minutes for that first part if things are working well. Every trash mob in the zone is mezzable in my experience.
  12. Lighteningrod Augur

    A significant part of that 90 minutes was spent why trying to figure out the Myst inspired anniversary trick of why I was short mobs. Reading Allaz. Checking in general. Standing on my porch smoking and contemplating the poor state of affairs for EQ.

    Kill rate is not the point.
  13. Noirfu Augur

    That's fine, but I believe you would have been better served by just starting over and doing it right. I highly doubt the wrong number of mobs spawned in your instance.
    Orbital101 likes this.
  14. Lighteningrod Augur

    I know. It was my fault. Anniversary missions are fine and working as intended.

    p.s. After the fact, I found reports of this in the bug thread also. It was the fault of those players also.
    Dibab likes this.
  15. Tadenea Augur

    when we did it , we had extra mob at the end of first part
  16. Lighteningrod Augur

    Some information that may be helpful in tracking it down, Echo of Chardok was spawned upon the initial zone it. So we had an extra mob to start (Echo) and were short 3 regular mobs.
  17. Lighteningrod Augur


    Royal Pain is right. Just got another fail mission due to not enough mobs. This time an amped up version of Grand Lorekeeper Kino Shai`din spawned in addition to the Echo of Chardok.

  18. Qulas Augur

    What UI is that? I love the quest window
  19. Zaknaffein Augur

    Check out his Sig Q, he makes it himself I think ~ I checked it out a while ago and if I actually knew more about how to use a custom UI I'd more than likely use his, and also use the command to make my visual screen not take up the whole screen so I could move some windows to the side.. Can't think of the command off hand atm but ya.. I need to learn how to do all that at some point ~
  20. Lisandra Augur

    It's /viewport Zak