Tradeskill and homeshow forum?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Maedhros, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Maedhros High King

    I feel like perhaps I am just blind. Where have they moved the tradeskill and homeshow forum? Is it simply removed?

    I feel like I am at Walmart, looking in an aisle for the toothpaste which has been a certain aisle for years, but they decided to move it just because, 3 aisles away and upset the entire system.
    My theory is if you cant find the dang toothpaste and you wander around enough, you end up impulse buying more junk.

    Is that what is going on here, am I supposed to impulse read other forums while looking for the tradeskill? ha!
  2. CrazyLarth Augur

  3. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Tell all of your TSers, housing fiends, and Player's Studio item makers to all make new posts regularly in this thread. I am fairly sure that will quickly result in that forum being resurrected.
  4. Aanuvane Augur

    I'm sorry, but I don't believe you.

    But I'll Play along. BRING BACK THE TS FORUM!!
  5. Aanuvane Augur

    Oh wait, does happy hour make me unable to recognize your sarcasm? Do I need lessons from Sheldon?
  6. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Posting every question about TSs, Housing, and Lore as well as people's EQ player's studio items here and it starts resulting in people having to go to the second page, then the people they actually listen to will be affected and it will be addressed instead of ignored.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Actually those were never super active threads and took a while to generate a number of meaningful posts so my guess is they would vanish off the first page before they had many posts. Though initially it might be as you say while people are posting far more then usual to prove the old forums were active.

    Though maybe the solution is to create one new forum that is used for all the underused forums that were removed. Altogether they could make for one fairly active forum. Might have one super long name though.
  8. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Not really, TS and Housing had regular posts between TS questions, Housing displays, and those making stuff for PS posting their wares with regular updates. The PS posts especially would stay on the front page, as they were regularly updated with new pictures of items being made as well as people commenting on them; but when it was in a forum which is not inundated with people complaining about random in-game problems, suggestions, or the like it doesn't look like it was as much.

    I suppose a TS/Housing/PS/Lore forum wouldn't be that bad though.
    Hayzeus and Melanippe like this.
  9. Vinney Augur

    Need to put this back on Page One until we get our own forum
    IceSy, Melanippe and Maedhros like this.
  10. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Actually, rather than all posting in one thread, we need to make individual threads for every different thing we do.
  11. Vlad Diszno Augur

    I'm not thrilled about this either. I hope they will see the error of their ways and rebuild the housing and tradeskill forum.
  12. Hayzeus Augur


    Corwyhn is right that there were many other forums that were slightly ever used (like Sense Heading haha), but he's wrong in saying that the Tradeskill / Housing forum was one of them. There were daily posts in that forum. Every now and then it might have skipped a day, but the average was much closer to daily than anything else.

    The forum moderators need to bring that one forum back. The changes they are trying to streamline make sense, but in this case they were too heavy handed. Once they realize that, I would hope that they will make the smart choice.

    ROSHEN! As our community relations dude, can you please weigh in on this? Of all the other subforums, surely you see that the community at large has allowed them to die a silent death with the single exception of the tradeskill/housing forum. Certainly you see that the majority of the outcry has been about that one single forum. Can you not help us to see the return of that one forum?
    MasterMagnus and Lisandra like this.
  13. IceSy Augur

    We definitely need a Trade Skill thread ,. and a SEPARATE Housing thread!!:D
  14. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Would really love a sub forum to promote marketplace items and drum up suggestions.

    Daybreak you could post in there too!

    We'll settle for threads in Vets Lounge though.
    IceSy likes this.
  15. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Actually you are just doing Daybreak a favor. Works for all their games they concentrate a bunch of forums into whatever one is there General forum and then complaints get pushed down to the bottom by people going out of their way to post messages from their deleted forums. The high message volume helps wash negative posts away quickly.
  16. Warpeace Augur

    Needs restored!!!!!
  17. Khyrra Elder


    Hugs to all.

  18. guado Augur

    Bring it back, please.
  19. TitusMaximuss Lorekeeper

    Just make an unofficial housing showcase forum/website ;)
  20. Fendy Augur