Ideas for utilizing the Removed TDS T1 raid loot.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goth, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Goth Augur

    • Add to CoTF T2 and or TDS raid drop table. Create new loot table inclusive to the current drop table so that perhaps 1 item is added to the possible dropped items.
    • Create some copy and paste raids or not overly complex (PoP era) type raids. This would take more time but would also give some more raids to the very small number of current raids to chew throw every week.
    • Add all the items to a vendor. You could perhaps use CoTF T2 currency and or TDS raid currency.
    Lisandra likes this.
  2. Maeryn Augur

    Darkwater Frostfire Sleeves - 356 Arx Crystals, 5.1 clears of 7 raids or 7.1 w/out "bonus" raids
    AC: 174 HP: +3835 MANA: +4238
    STA: +33+21 CHA: +30+19 INT: +35+22 AGI: +32+20
    Clairvoyance: +73 Spell Damage: +51
    Focus: Wrath of Caldarius II - 54-100 to 105

    Difference between Darkwater and Deepfathom
    AC: 8 HP: 228 MANA: 251 STR: 0+1 STA/CHA/INT/AGI: 0+2 Clair 6 SplDmg 5, Focus

    Deepfathom Frostfire Sleeves
    AC: 166 HP: +3607 MANA: +3987
    STR: +24+14 STA: +33+20 CHA: +30+18 INT: +35+21 AGI: +32+19
    Clairvoyance: +69 Spell Damage: +49
    Focus: Fire Damage 52-100 L105

    Difference between Deepfathom and Flowing
    AC: 8 HP: 158 MANA: 175 STA/CHA/INT/AGI: 0+1 Clair 2 SplDmg 3, Focus

    Flowing Etheric Frostfire Sleeves - 171 Fists of Bayle, 3.4 clears of 4 raids or 5.7 w/out PoWar
    AC: 158 HP: +3449 MANA: +3812
    STR: +24+14 STA: +33+19 CHA: +30+17 INT: +35+20 AGI: +32+18
    Clairvoyance: +67 Spell Damage: +46
    Focus: Blaze of the Scarecrow II - 50-100 to 103

    Example of an unused item (Deepfathom). Everything which doesn't change removed.
  3. Goth Augur

    I think Deepfathom is also non-prestige. First expansion without a set of non-prestige raid gear.

    IDK it seems like it should be added in some fashion.

    Ideally some more raid events for these items would be best i think. Simple Tank spank, AE, ADD PoTime type raids.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    Non prestige so we can't lapse subs.
    Wayylon likes this.
  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    I think all raid gear SHOULD be prestige. If you're commited to raiding, it's about time you pay for a sub.
    I don't see any grey area there.
    Fenudir, Khat_Nip and Smokn like this.
  6. Goth Augur


    Boss #1
    • Massive HP
    • Emote warning AE Big Damage/Dot/Mana Drain (No Cure) range 100’ 30-60 sec recast
    • No warning random hate list DD 30 sec recast
    • @25% health named goes berserk doing massive melee damage. (save DPS till end of fight)
    • LOOT
      • 4x Wrist
      • 2 other items
      • 2 spells
      • Currency

    Boss #2
    • Adds @ 90, 80, 70, 60 (some mez, some not mez)
    • @50% named splits (balance kill to end keep HP within 5% or fail)
    • Small range AE on both named (DD+Dot) – Split space named 30sec recast – first cast will be 30 sec after split.
    • LOOT
      • 2x Head & Feet
      • 2 other items
      • 2 spells
      • Currency

    Boss #3

    • Emote warning AE Mez No Resist range 75’ 30-60 sec recast Duration 20s
    • No warning random hate list Charm 30 sec recast Duration 60s
    • Mob HP >50% melee damage reduced by 75%; Mob HP <50% Spell damage reduced by 75%
    • LOOT
      • 2x Arm & Hand
      • 2 other items
      • 2 spells
      • Currency

    Boss #4
    • Emote warning AE Fear No Resist range 100’ 30-60 sec recast Duration 20s
    • No warning random hate list Charm 30 sec recast Duration 60s
    • Mob HP (in 20% intervals) named goes from 100% spell reflect to Massive Damage shield. ( you will see a buff on mob indicating which effect is present
    • LOOT
      • 2x Legs
      • 2 other items
      • 2 spells
      • Currency
    Boss #5

    • Massive HP
    • Named has DD+Dot AE with mana and end drain range 100’ (Curable) 60sec recast
    • @50% named HP locks and spawns 4 adds that must be balanced killed 10% fail – Adds do not have significant DPS and moderate HP – Adds not intended to kill you more so there for you to balance kill
    • @ 25% named HP locks and spawns 8 adds that must be balanced killed 20% fail – Adds do not have significant DPS and moderate HP
    • Final 20% named is berserk
    • LOOT
      • 2x BP
      • 2 other items
      • 2 spells
      • Currency
  7. Goth Augur

    more raids..
    roguerunner likes this.
  8. guado Augur

    They already utilized it. That's the TDS Chase loot.............
  9. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    Make "mini raids" same zone same raids but dumbed down for 24 people. Put the t1 gear on that loot table. Helps out the guilds who have less people.
  10. Xikteny Augur

    Actually I believe those items are copies of T2 CotF (with upgraded focus effects), and not T1 TDS.
  11. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Good lord, I'm agreeing with something you posted. Something's not right today! :)

    Seriously though, it'd be great for raiding in general to have some "entry" type raids for new guilds or smaller guilds or filler, just like ToV was.
  12. CaptAmazing Augur

    I don't understand why. Did they say somewhere they were thinking of adding in?
  13. fantasticfail New Member

    You're being another Ideas Guy, thinking the developers aren't adding in those raids because they didn't have any idea where to put them. That isn't the case.
  14. Ratbo Peep Augur

    This is an old thread..... Rezzed today by Goth.
    CaptAmazing likes this.
  15. Silv Augur

    It was originally around in beta but when they realized they didn't have enough content to justify two tiers of raid gear (in only 7 raids lulz) it got scrapped.

    That makes sense to me... never understood why people thought they should be able to take advantage of raid gear for free.