The absolute best powerleveling class.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by desimeq, Mar 4, 2015.

  1. desimeq Journeyman

    Is there a class , at around 100+, that outdoes all others in the area of power-leveling other characters? I want to make an alt to help others level (Along with my other alts)
  2. Sancus Augur

    I have no answer but... this should be a fun thread.
    Nenake likes this.
  3. Warpeace Augur

    This must be the nerf the winner thread.

    Honestly at 100 plus your not getting power leveled. You just need to go out and group, run the silly TDS instanced missions for the xp mob generators they are. Just don't xp in the static zones of Katta or Tempest, was horrible experience.
    moogs, Meatball and Iila like this.
  4. Silv Augur

    Depends on the character's level that you're power leveling. Up to 80ish, probably a Lv 105 Druid or Bard; or use both at once like I do :p . After that, likely an SK or someone else who can swarm. For me, I usually just wind up grouping Lv 80 alts with my normal group so someone else probably has a better answer for those levels.
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Sk is pretty good for it - aggro/ds for lower levels, swarming for the higher levels. Or toons with mass killing abilities like decap/headshot/assassinate.

    As Silv said tho once you get into the higher 90's and beyond you may as well just group.
  6. Iila Augur

    For me, it switches around 70-75. I can use my druid for various forms of DS PLing till around that point. But around there it runs into problems in staying alive with piles of mobs beating on me, and DSes not killing fast enough for the number of mobs I can safely tank. After that, I used my SK to tank due to survivability, more DSes, and ae aggro. Then once DS PLing completely dries up, the SK can group with the newb and swarm kill piles of crappy mobs.

    Just using the druid at lower levels is easier on me because I only need to worry about Dru+newb. I have a list of PL spots that are close to druid ports so I don't have to spend much time in transit. A lot of the zones only need 1-3 pulls before the newb outlevels the mobs.

    If I had to just use one for PLing, it would definitely be the SK. Might be a bit tougher to adjust DS level at the low end, but that's made up in the performance at mid-higher levels.
    moogs likes this.
  7. Iila Augur

    That's actually exactly what I thought after I posted.

    Thread might as well be called "Post here to get your favorite PL methods nerfed!"
    Silv likes this.
  8. Meatball Elder

  9. Silv Augur

    Well... none of this is exactly new info but yeah it does beg the question of whether or not it was a conspiracy to nerf Druids (is that even possible?) or mass kill classes, again. :eek:
  10. Addikeys Elder

    3500 SC (or 3150 SC depending). After that, probably mage to group with the lower level. Pets + merc can do all the heavy lifting while PL char stays out of the way. Maybe SK for faster killing, sans the merc depending on gear and what you're taking on. I like druids to avoid those needless deaths of the PL char as well. Exp = time.
  11. Scila Augur

    after a certain lvl its called grouping or the smaller one fizzles/misses hits and doesn't know the class
  12. silku Augur

    I find mage + chanter to be a great combo to power level. Rune up, gather up a low level zone. Hit negation of subtelty, rune again. let the newbie ae/throw stone, whatever to do damage to the 100+ mobs you've got there. Throw on mage damage shield/cloak damage shield/mage big burst damage shield. Watch them die and the other toon level 10 or so levels a pull for a while.
  13. Mugsie Elder

    SK+ Bard bot playing DS songs can PL reallllllly quickly till about -10 of cap.

  14. Siddar Augur

    I'm comsidering a SK Wizard combo for power leveling. SK gathers mobs and starts ae killing. Wizard pop silent casting and AE burns them. Wizard is grouped with person being PL'ed SK is grouped with sevral merc clerics and gets no exp because wizrd does the most damage.
  15. AnzoRagespirit Augur

    Bst for lvls 1-65/70ish, all ya gotta do is slap a FPoS on them and let them have at it.
  16. Necromonious Augur

    It's not necessarily the class, but HOW and WHERE. Prior to lev 90ish, swarming classes would probably be best.

    Post-90, I sell PL on my server, through straight killing. After the nerfs I've tried killing brother's island non-quest mobs with fairly good success, although nothing like I used to be able to do by chain-running cotf HA's back before the nerfs, however. At my rate nowadays, I can usually get someone 1 level in the 90's/hour, assuming lesson used for part. You would think that the biggest dps and best tankability would be the strongest combo if you are talking straight killing. Something like a tank with a couple geared wizards blowing everything up.

    However, straight killing may not be the absolute fastest. Before the HA nerfs, some PL'ers on my server had much success at a certain level range by exploiting an HA (bixie HA's had one like this, probably others) or other quest event that spawns mass amounts of mobs, then AoE'ing them down with some combo. The best strategies you probably won't see posted on the forums, however
  17. Cicelee Augur

    Rogue. Followed by Warrior. Third place is Wizard.

    Good luck!
  18. Numiko Augur

    best PL is doing the dailies in PoK, grab the highest one, and two or three under it and run them every day using any high level character to kill the mobs quickly.

    Nothing beats that for amount of time spent vs the amount of exp you get.
  19. Leex Pewpewer

    I would say SK or Zerker for their insta kill abilities, they seem to have a leg up on rogues and rangers these days.
  20. Kodjak Lorekeeper

    elaborate? zerker gets decapitate (i think) but what is the insta kill with SK's? never heard of this...