has this been fixed yet?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by splade, Feb 20, 2015.

  1. splade New Member

    there's two main reasons I stopped playing eq. Number one was that the character models haven't been updated since luclin (I know, the excuse is that they won't do it because of resources... blah blah blah) so I get that (not really but okay). Number two is that every piece of armor that I've gotten in game was just a copy of the previous armor with more hp/mana But looked identical... so, to me, that defeated the purpose of the game... has this been fixed? Is there more variety to the armor models? Or is it pretty much the exact same gear with more stats?
  2. JacklSK Augur

    Well, armor base models are the thing you didnt like, but we have Hero's forge now, so you can customize your look to a degree
  3. splade New Member

    What is that?
  4. Nolrog Augur

    Hero's Forge is basically new armor looks. There are many different ones that have come out and with the robes, they have even added it to the Players Studio for more options.
  5. Questoften32 Augur

    Play Drakkin, the woman are goddess and they guys are very handsome, the drakkin models are a d sight more advanced than anything wow has, even with the new models in wow that are bug eyed and ugly as sin with the female humans. they look like female goblins in they eyes.

    Drakkin look great in any default armor. You only need dye it to the color of your choice, its slick polished and bad to the bone as well as sexy.

    High elves look great in there leather look, so do wood elves in default gear, though don't play the guys, woodelf guys...um...they have no rear end, but it is funny to look at. *smiles*
  6. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    Then we completely disagree on the "purpose of the game" :)

    I've never paid attention to the looks of anything I've equipped, across 20+ chars, over 14+ years.


    PS - However, I've heard that gear that drops from raids does have more differing looks. But the last raid gear I got was from Luclin, so I wouldn't really know.
  7. Necromonious Augur

    The customization to EQ's graphics is actually pretty impressive. The hero's forge sets have improved quite a bit (just look at the couple-year-old models if you still have any in your bank....ugh), and there's a lot of different sets now. And you don't HAVE to wear one to match the armor type, there's cloth/leather or chain/plate.

    If I'm going to stare at my char all the time I'm logged in, I put a bit of effort into making it look not ugly. I used to be proud of my efforts, until I saw what some people can do with rare sets and some of the player made ornaments for sale at the store. There's some pretty awesome looking characters standing around PoK sometimes...