Huge Discounts on Legends of Norrath this Weekend Only!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Roshen, Feb 6, 2015.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager


    Are you still chasing a few Legends of Norrath loot cards that have evaded your grasp? Or are you missing cards to fill out your collection? Whatever your reasons, you’re in luck! Starting today and running until 11:59PM PST on Sunday, February 8, 2015, take UP TO 66% OFF most Legends of Norrath items in the Marketplace!

    There are lots of in-game rewards available from Legends of Norrath Booster packs. Appearance items, potions, houses, and furniture are just some of the awesome things you can receive from opening up a card pack! For example, check out the loot card rewards from Drakkinshard here.

    To buy these items and more using your Station Cash, just click the SC button in game, or type /marketplace in your chat window.

    Which set(s) will YOU pick up some boosters from this weekend?
  2. Roxxanna Augur

    Now will all marketplace purchase proceeds go to Daybreak? Cause I'm not buying nothing if it's going to Sony.
    Lisandra and Rhaage like this.
  3. Roshen Brand Manager

    Rhaage likes this.
  4. Iila Augur

    I'm worried about LoN disappearing into the void, it hasn't had any support or dev resources, and soe being bought out means bad things for dead in the water games.
  5. Rhaage Augur

    I wonder if we all bought a LON pack if it would clearly communicate our commitment to our game...
    Lisandra likes this.
  6. Hoosierdaddy Lorekeeper

    Returning all my silver accounts to gold would be a better message. Please give me a reason to do that.
    guado and Lisandra like this.
  7. Mardy Augur

    One thing for certain, if we did that, we would all be funding EQN & Landmark's development.

    But yeah lila, I have tons of unclaimed LoN items still. It's hard to justify spending more money on yet another product that was already not seeing development, attention, and resources. It's like buy buy buy, just don't mind that we aren't developing & supporting it anymore.
    Lisandra likes this.
  8. Bialar New Member

    I'm only looking for one LoN item. The Aspect of the Brood card from the Storm Break set. Every month I open 5 card packs from that set to try and get this. I never did have any interest in the card game.
  9. Abazzagorath Augur

    You are much better off learning the game, doing enough achievements in there to get to level 12+ on Loremaster, then only get drakkinshard boosters (they have a much higher loot card chance at 1 in 5, mostly house junk as the extras but that is irrelevant).

    Every loot card you get will give you a 6%+ chance (at level 12+) of getting a loremaster card, which are only a few options which includes the Aspect of the Brood. I have gotten 3 of them from loremaster secret surprise cards.

    I still haven't claimed the one I have left, because I keep hoping to get a locked one from monthly boosters hah.
    Lisandra likes this.
  10. gnomeboss Augur

    i saw this and immediately thought this was a final push to get some LoN dollars before the announcement comes to claim your cards because they are vanishing forever on date_here. which i expected before the sun set on SoE. that being said, 66 percent off is insane. with your gold member bonus(i) you can rack up some nice savings. it took be 4 boxes, but my blue skeleton merc is finally done. and woo ~
    Lisandra and Iila like this.
  11. Karthanon Augur

    I keep trying to get the blue skelly merc, with no luck. Every..single..pack..arrrgh!!
    Lisandra likes this.
  12. Calamity Lorekeeper

    I bought a lot of packs during the last three months with the Cyber Monday, Frostfell, and this new promotion. Please, Daybreak Gaming Company, negotiate renewed development for LoN with Columbus Nova. I have never played in the tournaments, but have a ton of cards now to do so with.
    Lisandra likes this.
  13. Gorehammer Lorekeeper

    Theoretically there's no need to pull the plug on the LoN server. With no further development and no real "LoN staffers", the game still at least serves the purpose of loot hunting, and partially bolsters the incentive to be an All Access member with the free monthly packs. I for one virtually always opt to spend my SC on LoN packs. Though I'm still pretty tapped from the Cyber Monday sale to really take advantage of this latest offering.

    Given Daybreak news, the "this weekend only!" bit does sound kind of concerning, doesn't it? It may just be the phrase they chose to highlight the sale and nothing more.

    Personally, with Landmark, EQN and future titles still on the way, I would seek to find useful ways to tie-in those titles with LoN. After years people still like the extra avenue to seek unique in-game loot in their chosen MMOs, so the TCG is not a total loss.

    I do recall Smed once making it a point to say that he had encouraging plans for LoN, but some time later he removed all the devs from the game. /shrug

    For me, I never really had any TCG experience before LoN, save for a couple MTG demos, so it kind of got me hooked. I'm sure there's many EQ1/2 players out there who would still also enjoy the game. Note that you need not be a "fanatic" to enjoy most things in this world.

    As a side note: I'm sure folks wouldn't mind some double xp in LoN to go along with the sale! Actually, announcing a 3-day double XP Sat-Mon could logically encourage MORE LoN pack purchases for the rare opportunity to gain extra XP from opening packs and getting loots and such. Just sayin. :)
  14. lagkills Slain by Fippy while guards stood and watched.

    rofl, classic SOE, game might close down soon, need that last station store push in. I hope I can use those loot cards on LoN server, oh wait, they would have to pay me to play that card game.
  15. drkoli Augur

    You are much better off learning the game, doing enough achievements in there to get to level 12+ on Loremaster, then only get drakkinshard boosters (they have a much higher loot card chance at 1 in 5, mostly house junk as the extras but that is irrelevant).

    Every loot card you get will give you a 6%+ chance (at level 12+) of getting a loremaster card, which are only a few options which includes the Aspect of the Brood. I have gotten 3 of them from loremaster secret surprise cards.

    I still haven't claimed the one I have left, because I keep hoping to get a locked one from monthly boosters hah.

    I don't think it matters the booster set you buy. I buy a lot of different ones for illusions and im level 12+ in loremaster and have gotten 1 aspect of the brood and 3 sirens. so which pack you open doesn't matter near as much as the level of loremaster you are I think
  16. Abazzagorath Augur

    Its not that it matters which packs for getting the illusion, its that your chance of a secret surprise is rolled every time you get a loot card.

    So going with oathbound for a 1 in 9 chance at a loot card, versus drakkinshard at like 1 in 5, you are cutting your chance of a secret surprise per pack in half almost.
  17. Oddling New Member

    Why no discounts on tourney packs?
  18. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    Hi Roshen,

    As far as you know, are there plans to close Legends of Norrath in the near future?
  19. Iila Augur

    Protip: Game sunsetting wouldn't be leaked by PR before an official announcement. And it certainly wouldn't be announced DURING a sale for that product.

    LoN is certainly low on operating costs, but it's not really anything more than a slot machine for some special EQ1/EQ2 loot.
  20. ZenMaster formless, shapeless

    True. But it's worth asking. If the answer is "no, it won't close" then there is no moral hazard to say so.