An Animal Lover's Tradeskill Feature Request

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by AmazingMOO, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. AmazingMOO New Member

    And by 'Animal Lover' I mean the 'Bob Barker' type of Animal Lover... someone who donates to the SPCA, keeps their pets indoors, and has them spayed and or neutered as necessary.

    I really enjoy EQ tradeskills. However a great deal of them, especially tailoring, cause me difficulty. Why? When I start to collect pelts via the 'traditional' method of culling wildlife, within days I start to have nightmares about hurting animals in real life.

    The alternative is to buy them from other players in the bazaar, which is an acceptable, if expensive alternative. It bugs me because I'm tend to be a 'slot what drops' player who almost never buys gear, but I can deal.

    However, in a few places in the game, there are NPCs who are 'Poachers'. The first example that comes to mind are the Loda Kai on Luclin.They will frequently drop hides as well as quest tokens. It would be nice to see more of this type of NPC all over Norrath as an alternative to hunting animals.
    silku likes this.
  2. Pwnography Augur

    I support this for a better sense of game immersion - an empty zone with pre-segregated areas of different mobs is always bland. Bringing back little ideas like this would feel like the old-school dervish/bandit/orc camps we all once knew.

    Just to be clear, I do not support the idea based off the idea that we should be catering to requests relating to 'killing imaginary creatures that are flagged as 'animals' gives me creepy 'I hurt animals in my dreams' kind of mental health issues. I suggest the OP seek health from a professional to help distinguish between video game dinosaurs and real world animals.
    Dibab and Yinla like this.
  3. AmazingMOO New Member

    My mental health professional LOVES hearing about my nightmares!

    Usually the 'animals' I have trouble with are those that resemble common pets. Rockhoppers, not so much. Bears, somewhat more. Pumas and Mountain Lions? I dream 'Oh, no! I accidentally ran over my cat!"

    Weird connection. Issues. But yeah, I do talk to doctors about it.
  4. Sebbina Augur

    As a wonderful druid, I only cull those animals I consider sick, and I always make sure the meat goes to feed the carnivores.
    Garshok and Yinla like this.
  5. Cerris Augur

    Gnomes drop a lot of pelts, for some reason, and I doubt that even wholesale gnome slaughter would give anyone even the slightest twinge of remorse.
  6. beryon Augur

    Humanoids can drop any of the cultural ts drops (pelts, silks, ores, etc.)
  7. Fendy Augur

    Please spay or neuter your warder. Treants are exempt. Gotta feed their acorns to the squirrels.
  8. Melanippe Augur

    So you have nightmares about killing wildlife in a virtual world but are fine with killing a poacher? What am I missing here?
  9. Corlen-Xeg Elder

    More or less this. Seek mental help.
    Dibab and Edrick like this.
  10. Garshok Augur

    And it is healthier for the herd in the long run!
  11. Caixaa Elder

    Yeah... I don't get it... you are playing a game where you get exp by killing mobs and doing quests... what about killing humanoinds? DE, ogres, pirates.... or is it ok to kill those?
    not a personal attack, but maybe you should go play "Hello Kitty" games...
    Kiillz likes this.
  12. Dibab Augur

    ITS....A....GAME.... no blood, no suffering, its not real.
    Yinla and Kiillz like this.
  13. Kiillz Augur

    ya'll are kidding me here right? bout killing animals in a GAME ? ie they dont exist? are not breathing? not feeling pain? are being c reated by people behind a screen with pixels and programs? Just when I think I've seen it all, but all the other killing is aok?? maybe take up Candyland instead and leave EQ to those that can seperate the real world and virtual reality?

    Just wow.
  14. AmazingMOO New Member

    Hmmm... some folks in the thread are having difficulty distinguishing between 'Gives me nightmares' and 'I can't understand the difference between real and imaginary'. Two ENTIRELY different things, and yes, I am quite able to differentiate between them.

    As for killing humans being okay and killing animals not being okay, the difference is... the latter gives me nightmares, even though I know its not real. I couldn't tell you why the one triggers nightmares while the other doesn't. The poachers are every bit as unreal as the animals, and I have no ethical issues whatsoever with whomever killing whatever in the game, which is a complete fantasy. My request was made entirely for the sake of comfort. Not sanity.

    A good example of a similar situation: I have a friend who had an toddler when the movie 'Raising Arizona' came out. Quite a bit of that movie is slapstick comedy centering around the child being in dangerous situations.

    When my friend watched that movie, he had horrible nightmares about his own toddler being in dangerous situations and not being able to help his child. He understood that the movie was fiction, and is actually quite a fan of Nicolas Cage, but was tormented nonetheless.
  15. Sebbina Augur

    Frogloks around the top of Sebbilis and Goblins in Droga, it will take time to acquire large supplies of silks, skins and ores, so you can use them in order of trivials, but, the gems and plat drops from those zones will be a good source of funding to buy materials for your Trade skill advancement.
  16. Iila Augur

    There's also some halflings in various parts of norrath. No reason to feel guilty killing them for TS drops.
  17. silku Augur

    I think the people telling him/her to get mental help should probably back off. There are many people who are disturbed by violence in games. I met a fellow once who wouldn't kill humans. Another that would not kill 'people' in general, only 'monsters.' The thing is, I too would love to have the ability to do trade-skills that are more than just 'animal skins.' Maybe we should have more 'cloth' based tradeskills, where we weave together spider silks etc then reinforce them to make 'faux pelts.'

    Befouled Silk Pelt etc.
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Don't worry those animals are rabid and need to be put down for their own good. Its a kindness really.