For Fun - The Ultimate Group

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by silku, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Pretty close?
    OK - so you reversed the order of the Wizzie and Mage. :D
    I didn't specify "which" Knight - that's up to owner preference.
    But ya - we have the same group list.
    PS: Wizzie can evac like a Druid - and adds more DPS.
  2. Goth Augur

    WAR - Tank everything NP with gear and AA
    CLR - Easily heal well geared and AA tank and spot heal the rest.
    BRD - Pull and CC everything : + DPS to group
    WIZ - DPS
    WIZ - DPS
    MAG - DPS off tank if needed
  3. Emphant Lorekeeper

    The bard is somewhat wasted in that'd get way more mileage out of a chanter
  4. Zerkr New Member

    Shadow Knight
    Beast Lord

    Ports, CC, uber DPS, tracking, and tons of utility.
  5. Goth Augur

    IDK why it is wasted. They can pull and CC. what an enchanter do these days?

    Bard also buffs nicely with songs and AA stuff.

    Idk if other classes can easily drag corpse NE where in a zone the pop a merc and res? That used to be a nice thing a bard could do as well. IDK if SI is an issue in modern EQ.

    Why do you think Chanter is better?
  6. Emphant Lorekeeper

    Enchanters can pull very well and CC better than a bard plus their personal DPS is much higher plus they add much more ADPS to the wizards and mage. The only thing a bard really does better for that group is run speed and track.
  7. RPoo Augur

    A good chanter can sustain 40-50k dps by itself in a group and burn around 150k or higher, heroin procs, spire, illusions help caster dps. Chanters can pull and CC and tank in a pinch. Boost caster mana regen / mana pool and melee enjoy the modifiers of our haste still.
  8. guado Augur

    War - proper utilization of discs
    Enc - because they rock
    Clr - besides the healing, the auras and short duration buffs are excellent
    Mag - Pet adds a lot of utility and will off tank in case the warrior ever goes down, mod rods, DPS!
    Wiz - Raw dps. Boom.
    Dru - The icing on the cake. ADPS

    One under rated combination with a Enc/Dru include: Augmenting Aura / Twincast Aura / Frostweave Aura. It is worth giving up the chanter proc aura for amplifying every other nuke the casters use.

    Covers everything except Shaman and Ranger buffs, but with a Druid and Wizard, there's no reason why a Shm and Rng can be Teleport Bind in to buff. The Fall of Lord Bayle (ToR2) included. Still a fun mission at 105 btw.
    Sirene_Fippy likes this.
  9. Goth Augur

    But can Enchanters easily pull PH and named across zone? Bard pulling tools are so powerful if your named hunting.

    Bard can lock down plenty of adds as well.

    I dont know the ADPS differences but i know bards are pretty good.

    However this i do know for sure. There is a mountain of difference from a poorly played bard and a great bard... Not sure the skill gap for enchanters.

    If it is true that is sad that Ench personal DPS is much higher than bards =(
  10. Naugrin Augur

    It's true.

    If your dps classes were melees, you could make an argument for bard but with casters...enchanter, hands down.
  11. RPoo Augur

    There is a big difference between someone playing a chanter passively and someone playing their enchanter aggressively using the right tools they are given.
  12. Goth Augur

    How much of a difference are we talking. Would need expert bard and ench to nit pick that lol.
    So buffs Ench wins
    CC ench wins; however, ench CC tools are overkill in most of the group game where bard CC tools are more than sufficient.
    Pulling - IDK how well ench pulls. Can they single pull named and PHers past dozens of mobs accross zone? Over and over again?
    I would guess if we are talking only exp group with max DPS situation ENC is a no brainier. but if we are talking named hunting and questing than i would think bard would be the better choice.
    After all the OP said

    now he said successfully and really most set ups do the content NP. Just need tank as the most critical component.

    I would say a bard has more tools that would be more applicable to helping a group in most situations than simply killing a bunch of mobs at one time. Agree?
  13. Numiko Augur

    I would go Wiz/Ench/Mage/Necro/Beast/Druid ...

    That way i would get to see all the pretty spell effects as they land! .. that is what is truly important is it not?

    .. and what's going to chew through all those pets before it dies!
  14. Pwnography Augur

    Who needs a puller when you have a tank that pulls entire rooms of 10+ at a time? :p Sounds like a way to slow things down. I suppose you could slow or mez in a sticky situation with either. Mainly, your enchanter became a more viable dps asset in TDS though with decent dps in their own right combined with innate Gift of Chromatic Haze procs for your other casters while they dps. They also support heavy burns with IoG and constant auras. Their role has often shifted more from support (great, btw) to innate support through dps. Personally, I stack caster heavy groups and love runnng an enchanter in that mix. I consider them a dps role in their own right.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  15. silku Augur

    Yes. As can any class that can aggro one mob and mem blur it. Ranger for instance can do this as well with fluster bolt, etc. Bards have faster, easier tools.. but anything a bard can pull I can pull. With our .5 second cast mem blur belt, we can do it even to mobs that can't be rooted, though rooted, mezzable mobs to get the assist call going make it much easier.
  16. Razgadz Lorekeeper

    war, clr , druid , rog , brd , shammy

    tanking : war
    pulling, cc : bard
    dps amplifier : bard, shammy
    dps : rog , druid
    Utility : druid, shammy

    getting around fast is the way i like so druid or wiz was a must have for my ideal Group setup
    Feeling sooo slow whenever my bard is not around

    dps amplifying is evil especially when fighting named .)
    silku likes this.
  17. Battleaxe Augur

    Well there's certainly more than one philosophy 8).

    Who needs a puller when you have a tank that can pull apart a room 1 mob at a time. Or if he uncharacteristically get more than one mob, CC chills out the extras. :p Pulling 10+ mobs just because you can sounds like a great way of unnecessarily killing people and slowing things down (IF you are max level/max AA there's no reason to mass pull unless you are lazy, showing off, or farming Tear fragments).

    As it happens I like a Cleric, Druid, Enchanter, tank, Wizard, Wizard group. But sometimes Wizard, Mage > Wizard, Wizard. Sometimes Cleric, SK, Shaman, Bard, Beastlord, Berserker is pretty hot. I think it varies and the trick is to be able to vary at need with a fixed lineup.

    IMO Cleric, Druid, Enchanter, Warrior, Mage, Wizard is the way to go with the ability to split the group, Merc up, and rock harder named with a close approximation of 2 Group power in 1 group content. I'm not so worried about fast exp although the group I list can kill yard trash "fast enough". Been throwing exp away and will be doing so for 6-10 months as usual.
  18. Goth Augur

    man they way you guys make it out to be Bards need some re-tuning lol.

    i have never seen a better puller than a bard. empty zones was crazy named rate with a good bard lol. we didnt kill much other than PHers or named...

    But again without a tracker in group or bard speed moving around doing quest would not be as effective with a enchanter? And again with bard pulling skills getting some quest mobs from all around the zone without having to move the group was pretty nice.

    IDK just seems like they both have good upside. I think either or would do just as good.
  19. Battleaxe Augur

    An alternate group has a Druid in the group. They can track, heal, nuke/dot, Succor, etc. Some players actually hate Selos (<- me for instance) and prefer moving groups to long pulls. Opinions vary.

    Agree with your last sentence however.
  20. Goth Augur

    I was thinking a Druid or Shammy rather than a cleric. but 1 of those be enough healing power? Healer is the next most needed part of the group to pass or fail. so would a druid or shammy be able to heal through all situations? This again will be very dependent on you tanks gear/AA/skill.

    Moving Groups are great. In this case with the high DPS rate moving group would be pretty good. Though to max Named rate is to have higher range of pulls. Some camps this is great some it does not matter.

    ugg a lot of this really depends on what style gorup you want and what you want to do.

    Moving group an ench would be very nice as you sort of just pull what you pull and CC the rest.

    Stationary group a bard would be nice as in many occasions you will have larger range to pull more PHers and named. I have not really done much in modern EQ so i do not know camps as well as i did in years past. So perhaps most camps really are not conducive to high range pulls.

    However, if you are in zones that are highly contested range is a PITA to manage.