Do merc tanks have any purpose?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by malibu66, Jan 9, 2015.

  1. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Does that actually work or was that just a snide comment?
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    [QUOTE}Druids are literally the worst pc tanks in game :p All of the bad AC of casters, without any of the runes. Afair, I take about 10kdps while tanking trash in T3 zones. It hurts.
    But we're still better than tank mercs. (While raid geared and played well)

    Things don't look so good for the group geared folks... at least if you are stuck with a tank merc.
  3. SaderakhBertox Augur

    Yesterday, my alt's group had a 105 tank merc. Took 112k damage in 7 seconds from one trash mob in a Skulk HA. Died so fast I just had to load gamparse to see if it was a spell or backstabs. Nooop.

    A situation like that could've been avoided with more buffs n stuff but didn't seem very "tanky".

    I don't want mercs to be too good, but a little more hp doesn't seem like an unreasonable adjustment.
    Iila likes this.
  4. Aerdae New Member

    I'll begin by saying I'd like the tank mercs TANKING ability to be a bit better, which may or may not be being looked at by the devs, and to remind people that with the 101+ change to mercs ac buffs/gear improves their ability much more than they would have.

    I was going to to post my boxing setup and the moderate success I've had but I realized some of these posts must be either jokes or exaggerations to spur the devs into beefing up the tanks, which I hope happens. A druid tanking? Who I'm guessing is frequently interrupted and occasionally dies? Caster mercs tanking instead of tank merc? No melee in the group at all? That all sounds hideous to me.
  5. segap Augur

    When I play my warrior, my caster merc is my backup tank. It does hold agro well and if chain healed, gets the job done. I couldn't imagine using it as a full time tank though. My tank merc when not playing my warrior is easier to keep alive. I haven't tried AC gear on the caster merc though.
  6. Crystilla Augur

    Just curious, what healer(s) did you have? Asking since real clerics would have up to 7 different things they could hit in that 7 seconds to counteract that damage.
  7. SaderakhBertox Augur

    We were super casual with our merc healer of course :D
  8. Ratbo Peep Augur

    You outta have a full set of AC gear (Qeynos Resolute) for your Tank Merc anyway.
    So....... If you switch to a Caster Merc - and don't touch the gear - he'll be wearing it.
  9. segap Augur

    My warrior has the caster merc (no need for a tank merc with a real tank) and my rogue has the tank merc with full ac gear (healer in the second merc slot).
  10. segap Augur

    Have HoTs blocked? Really wish the owner of a merc could block spells they cast instead of relying on everyone in a group to.
  11. Repthor Augur

    problem with tank mercs is they are warriors but dont have Defensive Proficiency, x-pack is tuned around haveing this aa for warriors
  12. malibu66 Elder

    Level 105, Raid geared - mix of RoF and CoTF
    Iila likes this.
  13. Inke New Member

    I was in a group that did Arx partisan and Hero missions that used a merc tank the whole way through. We had a Cleric, Rogue and Necro actual players and a Merc Tank, Healer and DPS. The merc tank can be used. I don't like using them as you have to be very active in the controls, they tend to do silly things a regular player would never do, resulting in them dying. But, if the player controlling the merc tank is on top of it, no reason they can't be a useful addition in the highest zone, and therefore every other zone in game.
    Crystilla likes this.
  14. Axxius Augur

    The point is that the caster merc is a better addition than the tank merc. Try replacing your tank merc with a caster one and feel the difference.
    Iila likes this.
  15. blood & gufts Augur

    Suggestions of nerfing other classes are not legal.
    But then Again, you a shaman?, and probably part of the eternal grudge fight druid vs shaman.
  16. Ardin Elder

    (Paper)tank mercs? They are just useless since day 1.
    They may hold aggro well enough, but their armor is like wet toiletpaper.
    Only wizard and healer mercs are worth using. As a cleric i am using only wizard merc, don't bother with rest.
  17. Fanra

    Tank mercs have always been terrible. I watch as my tank player friends easily do content with just themselves and a cleric merc. No way I can do anything close with a tank merc and myself (druid) healing.

    People keep saying slow mobs and tank merc does fine. Well, it doesn't and also not every group has a slower. Tank dps is terrible and without someone to haste them it is even worse. If mercs would at least take a haste potion and use it, that would help somewhat.

    Getting tank merc AAs may help but you need to do content with your merc to do content with your merc (you need AAs to earn AAs).

    Merc gear it something I'm working on but I have yet to see any reply from SOE about whether the bug that weakens your tank merc when you give them a shield has been fixed.

    Tank mercs have always been terrible and the trend continues.
  18. Crystilla Augur

    Terrible but still able to be the tank for just about everything in TDS (as mentioned by several players in this thread).
  19. silku Augur

    Occasionally when I'm being lazy I'll pull out a tank merc even in Arx Mentis. As long as I single pull, cripple and slow quickly, he does fine. Now he'll get spiky sometimes and go down. But I've even used a tank merc to tank certain named in Thulisaur. No they aren't as good as a player, and yeah many times I can out tank him easily. But he does work.
  20. sojuu Augur

    Guess not all people can read past text and betwween the lines lol. Was more of a way to say hey tank mercs are not as bad as you claim, but in a joking manner.