coming back to everquest? ....

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by xotron8, Dec 23, 2014.

  1. xotron8 New Member

    I used to play EQ back in the day. I stopped playing not long after shadows of luclin and had a 56 monk on vallon zek. That guy is long gone. I recently was told about p1999. Ive played a little bit. The spark is alive again I just dont see much point in playing p99. I liked velious and luclin. It doesnt have it. Are there alot of people still playing eq? Is it even worth it given I have to start all over? Are the other EQ games as good as the original? Any opinions and comments would be helpful. I loved the game when I was a teen and still wanna play but I hear its not the same game it once was.
  2. Borek-VS Augur

    There's a fair population on most servers (exceptions: Zek, Trakanon, Fippy, Vulak). Everquest is the one and only: the various expansions are just riffs on a theme, and the basic gameplay hasn't changed much.

    It's free to give it a try, so what could hurt?
  3. Chinghis New Member

    I'm in the same boat as you, xotron8. It is certainly not the same game - mercenaries, information that you could never dream of having in the old days (spell effects, detailed haste stats, that kind of thing), empty traditional newbie zones. It really seems geared to zooming up to the endgame these days. You can be level 10 in a couple of hours if you run through the tutorial, and you get gear that is light-years beyond what you ever dreamt of back in the day.

    But it is still the same game if you want it to be. You don't have to go through the Tutorial, Mines of Gloomingdeep, Crescent Reach and Blightfire Moors if you don't want to. My son and I played in Cabilis and Field of Bone last night. There was no one else around, of course, and after getting geared up in the Mines, it was less of a challenge than it might have been otherwise. But it was still fun to see an old zone that I hadn't spent much time in.

    I think it's worth coming back, but I don't mind moloing (soloing with a mercenary), and I have someone to play with if I want to group. But keep in mind that the last remaining PvP server, Zek, is very underpopulated, if you're thinking of going that route. I've dabbled there a bit with my mid- and low-level characters, and I think I've seen all of two people other than me.
  4. Bobbit New Member

    I just came back my self. I am playing on vulak. It is kind of dead but still enough people to answer questions and help if help is needed. I would love a new leveling partner. IGN Bobbit
  5. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Original EQ isn't as changed as most people make it out to be. Don't do the tutorial, don't equip defiant armor, don't hire a mercenary and don't download the maps, stick to the oldschool zones, turn off new character models, don't buy gear off the bazaar. BAM that is going to be a very close experience to classic.
  6. Ataleimas New Member

    Let me start by saying Welcome back guys, and don't give up on the game just yet. :)

    I returned to the entire EQ Series a few years ago when it first went F2P JUST to see all my stuff which I only to realize I had given all my game pieces to friends that could use them :p

    There have been changes to the F2P models in both EQ1- and - EQ2

    EQ2 mostly, since players used to be able to purchase item/spell unlock-key from market and really they allowed that option extended past the F2P release .... its complicated, fact is that option is gone,


    They now have introduced Heroic Slots / or use it to upgrade a existing character , its a players choice. You guys should consider just doing that, if just playing the game as is and being able to play through all the free content without restrictions, because the gear and AA points are pre-unlocked, toon will be / start at 85.;)

    Other than that, you will find yourself (over-restricted ) when it comes to EQ1, something EQ1 has done to the F2P environment was lock all RAID gears to a category called prestige.

    That means - If you happen to still have a character that is already created and its wearing tons of uber epic raid gear or any gear listed as prestige/ locked, it means your only seeing less-than half the stats for not being (GOLD) membership / All Access .

    So like I said look over the Heroic Slot option... it may not be the greatest gear/items/spells in the game, all being Rnk.I from what I have seen so far, but it will allow you guys to play unrestricted through all the F2P zones up-to 85-90. When something drops and is locked in those zones you won't have to worry about it, your paid versions are pretty much on-Par with a game set call Abstruse-Gear-Set, which is a crafted as premium and that set is considered 80-90, level 90 requiring last piece.

    That being said, if not going Gold All Access, look into the Heroic Characters, from what I have been able to see its been well worth it for me, someone who had deleted a character, came back and wants to play/see all the other content in expansions I had already purchased. Fun Fun.