Chat channel numbering

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Tigerak, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. Tigerak New Member

    Hey folks. There one question i have with channel numbering. As we know at login time some channels like general, zone, class and etc.. and channels what set to auto join (raid specific, class-roles specific ones) have numbering to assigned to them auto. And when you need post in particular chat we use format like /rs or /gs, but there number instead number like : /3 text (sample). I used hotkey when casting spells or AA activating, with message in specific channel it looks like : /cast 6 next line: /5 Spell Casted Etc (text sample) Where number is number channel was assigned. But after last patch for some reason , when do zone in to different zones, at raids , numbering start changing and spell messages just go wrong channels and color of chats also changed. Forced to correct it manyaly all time :( Is there way to permanently assign number to specific chat channel, like raid roles/class chats we have, so it always set to one number no matter what you zone in , log on/off? Someone told me If you hand type them into my character's UI file, they will never change. I looked in that and have no idea where i can do that. Typing name of channel instead of number just not working. Plz any help? Thank you in advance.
  2. Wiji Elder

    Turn off "Join global channels" in options or whatever it's called, then do
    /autojoin add general
    /autojoin add channel1
    /autojoin add channel2
    They should pretty much always be in the same order from then on
  3. Tigerak New Member

    Thank you Wiji !
    I will try, just some clarification about code. In this format /autojoin add channel1 , do i need type actual channel name like raidtanks so it gonna be like /autojoin add raidtanks or leave it as channel1, 2, 3...
    And second question if i need add password like /autojoin add raidtank-password. ?
  4. Wiji Elder

    You would do
    /autojoin add raidtank:password
  5. Khat_Nip Meow

    The file:
    The entry:
    Example entry:
    ChannelAutoJoin=channelname:password, serverwide.channelname:password, channelname
  6. Tigerak New Member

    Khat_Nip and Wiji! Thank you so much for response! :)