Two Sides of the Shield

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by drkoli, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. drkoli Augur

    was it just an oversight to not add a chest to this mission?
  2. Khat_Nip Meow

    It was posted that only some of the missions would have chests. Namely:

    Tempest Temple - Clear Skies
    Katta Castrum: Deluge - The Edge of Balance
    Brother Island - The Cover of Night
    Degmar - Burden of the Past
    Thuliasaur - Fit for the New World
    Dredge - Deep Lies the Snow
    Arx Mentis - All Rivers Lead to the Sea
    Arx Mentis - Confronting Calix
  3. drkoli Augur

    makes sense to have a chest drop in all but one mission...
  4. segap Augur

    This mission is incredibly easy and fast. People would be farming it for the chest if it dropped one. It was by far the easiest of the three steps for progression in Caverns (at least before they made getting the sword in Loyal is the Heart trivial by removing two of the guards).
  5. drkoli Augur

    doesnt matter to me honestly. i was just curious.

    as for chest farming the easiest are cover of night or the edge of balance. so, if you're not going to put a chest in one i'd figure it to be one of those two /shrug
  6. Nenton Augur

    There have always been easy and fast missions.

    Almost every HoT mission qualifies.
    In VoA I farmed Sarith 1 and 2, BD 1, CoB 1, Windsong 1.
    In RoF I farmed BG1, EV1, gem one in Xorbb, HoF when that came out.

    Oddly enough, the whole 6 hour lockout thing was sufficient in those expansions for stemming the flow of loot/spells but not in TeDiouS. The devs are going to decide which missions deserve chests and which don't because the players might repetitively do one and then be locked out for 6 hours. The horror.
  7. roguerunner Augur

    You mean like how Brother Island is incredibly easy and fast and doable faster than Caverns AND has a chest that will be farmed? Yeah

    We did it in ~7 minutes last night, so, quick chest farm yeah
    CaptAmazing likes this.
  8. Brohg Augur

    seven minutes for Brother island is ... training up, Fort tanking while a raid ber/rog AE burns?
  9. Kiillz Augur

    not sure that easy theory works....Neriak Houses of Thex was bout the easiest one I ve ever seen, tank spank burn....3 minutes with solid dps in it maybe? and it popped a chest. Farmed it like every nite for those wanting the aug.
  10. roguerunner Augur

    No, actually. It's just running around with beast tanking and 3 other dps classes
  11. Bigstomp Augur

    WK 2 is more or less the same. Just choose quick death and it's over in less time than it took to run to the task giver and zone in.
    roguerunner likes this.
  12. Hiladdar Augur

    The hardest part of this mission is getting the drops in the open zone to get the instance. Once in the instance, a ranger or a rouge can get both the toughness and time achievements solo without even a merc up. A ranger headshots, and a rogue throws daggers from behind. Just make sure you are DPSing the mob being DPSed by barbarian.

    Brothers mission is technically harder since stuff has to be tanked, but also very simple and easy.

    I am more surprised that brother mission has a chest at the end then caverns mission not having a chest.
    roguerunner likes this.