Looking for a Raiding shamans insight

Discussion in 'Priests' started by dorden, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Narknon Augur

    I disagree. I don't think any class will play quite as well when spamming a multibind as someone who has a multibind, but uses timing/order adjustments on the fly. As a wizard would you keep casting ethereal weave when the bosses HP is about to lock in .5 seconds, or would you toss out the instant that refreshed during its cast time? Thats just a random scenario, but things like that do happen, even for healers.
  2. Ravengloome Augur


    I don't know maybe its because I've played knights for basically ever. But timing heals is what keeps us alive.
    Assuring we land a heal right after a round or right before is how we survive the big mobs.

    The same logic applies to healers, And its why I've seen clerics with less overall casts (and sometimes by a significant margin) destroy Bind Spammers on heal parses.
  3. Crystilla Augur

    (Sorry to derail)
    I tend to agree Ravengloome and I'm a natural knight healer (not a warrior/MT healer) so flexibility is king IMO. At least from my own personal experiences. It's one reason I had started posting a few parses over on the healer thread. The first parse showed a much better ratio doing the "rotation" manually in terms of heal output.

    I did create a multibind that I created a month or two ago based on a prior thread in the priest forum. And I do use it sometimes but also manually heal as often or more so I can time heals and adjust on the fly as needed. (But I have really good timing balance; not everyone does).

    There sometimes is no right or wrong way to do something 100% of the time. Folks will gravitate to what they know. Nylrem uses multibinds on his mage so is pre-disposed for that approach.

    My heal output has improved following the multibind - but only when I do the mix. (Using it exclusively it didn't produce as much as I could do manually frankly.)
  4. Brohg Augur

    The defacto default, the real in-game null hypothesis, i.e. what actually happens - when you bother saying to average clerics who spam Lights that multibinding fast heals doesn't produce the best results is that they stay average clerics who spam Lights and spend all day complaining that mercs take their spot in groups. While the progression is clear to those higher on the learning curve, getting a Light spammer ON the curve is really the best thing a forum tutorial can do. Goes for many classes.