Slightly increased the chance of rare spawns in Katta Castrum: Deluge.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by stuermchen, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. stuermchen Elder

    2,5 hrs no spawn on Chief Lib. We (the Players) are having to work with LoS bugs, pathing bugs, drop bugs, etc for ages now - me - I am fed up now and leave .....
  2. Redrum_Redrum Augur

    2.5 hours and your already upset? I spent 2 days 8 hrs ish a day camping for him to spawn. A slight decrease means you have 12 hrs or so to go. That's if the RNG is the same as mine. Expecting a named immediately when you kill a ph is not eq and that makes me wonder why you play.
  3. stuermchen Elder

    having the bugged very slow moving Shissar + the not spawning named + the "he will drop it in 1 in 3" - sry I am not 15 anymore and dont have time for that BS
  4. Axxius Augur

    They said 'slightly'. Complain when you reach 10 hours with no named. ;)
  5. Romance Augur

    2.5 hrs is a drop of water in the bucket of named camping.
    Edrick likes this.
  6. stuermchen Elder

    not if you are in a 5 real Player grp --- Keep posting BS and defending SOE - Im out of the game
  7. Reht The Dude abides...

    What does having a 5 person real player group have to do with spawn rate? Oh, that's right, nothing......

    Axxius, Stickietoes and Sheex like this.
  8. roguerunner Augur

    So, if that's your goal why not camp something smarter with more named spawns
  9. stuermchen Elder

    I played this game since 17th Oct 1999. And contrary to then an item nowadays will work for 2-3 months not 2 years, Paw of Oppola took me 40hrs to get and I used it for 2 years - so dont try to be smart with me.
  10. drkoli Augur

    well then you know camping something you want sometimes takes a while. if you dont think its worth camping for that long then move to a camp that has something you do want bad enough to camp til it drops because 2 1/2 hours isnt anything
    Axxius likes this.
  11. stuermchen Elder

    all in all ist 30hrs incl the camp I did before the patch - but whatever I cancelled all accounts now anyway
  12. Reht The Dude abides...

    See ya! I would ask if i could have your stuff, but you obviously didn't get your easymode loot drop that i probably haven't camped yet.
    roguerunner and SaderakhBertox like this.
  13. guado Augur

    I dare you to try to farm a Vex Thal key with a level 60 toon without defiant gear or Anguish Signets with a level 70 with the same.

    You want to talk about bad drop rates?
  14. stuermchen Elder

    I did VT key (without Emp) in 1 week :p
  15. Reht The Dude abides...

    Yeah, pained soul for VP key was easily just as bad back in the day.
    guado likes this.
  16. Berrad_Bounty Journeyman

    Oh no.... whatever is soe to do. I am so sorry for your loss soe, my condolences.

    Seriously dude.... the sense of entitlement lately on these boards is crazy. I remember the 4 augs in kaesora library taking weeks to get for people.
    drkoli likes this.
  17. sojero One hit wonder

    You have an entire year of TDS.

    Content of tds that takes a week to a month, depending on how laid back or hard core you want to do it.

    You can either grind HA's or camp named. If they poped and dropped your items every 2 hrs you would have anything to do in a week.

    What else do you want from the year of TDS.
  18. stuermchen Elder

    we have the usual 50-100 "SOE Lovers - and everything they do is right" vs 100s of Players leaving. Take your pick if in 2 years there is an Expansion with 2 zones and 50 Mobs .....
  19. stuermchen Elder

    Sojero sry thats BS - we have 21 Slots - Need about 40 RK II spells . If you are in a real grp of ppl, who actually work - you have about 2 weeks to get 1 item and 2 spell thingies + Progression + Tradeskill + collections ..... at the current rate that does not work
  20. sojero One hit wonder

    I work, and I have full groups all the time, and not just the 5 same people. I have a full time job and kids. I play for about 10-20 hours a week. I still go out to dinner with my friends, I visit my parents, and go hunting. I play EQ for the social aspect, and part of that is sitting around with my online friends and camping stuff, and running missions/ha's.

    I know I will get everything I want/need from the expansion, and getting those items is the fun.

    They journey is where the fun is. What will you do when you have everything you want? I know when I do, I either played an alt, or many just don't log in during that time, and many choose the latter. I am glad that they give me enough to do to last a year.