Patch Notes?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Blankslate, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. Blankslate Elder

    I can't seem to find tomorrows patch notes. Could someone please post a link to them.

  2. drkoli Augur

  3. Roshen Brand Manager

  4. Murrin-AB New Member

    Does anyone know what bug this was?
  5. Drewie Augur

    I'm not sure what this means exactly ? Before the patch, Hastened Recall already has 6 ranks and Tertiary Recall has only 1 rank.
  6. Brohg Augur

    Swapping between bandoleer sets when bags were full, particularly when those sets included stackable ranged/ammo items, would cause weapons to poof. Not in bags, not on cursor, not bandoleer doesn't operate - just poof. Gone. Occasionally when this happened, clearing bag space then relogging, or zoning and relogging, would return them; most frequently the issue had to be remedied by a GM reached via petition. The couple hours wait was a pretty solid annoyance for subscribers; this route was a big big problem for non-subscribers whose petitions reverse-float at the bottom of the queue if they don't have to do with cash transactions.
  7. Cloudia Augur

    Druid Hastened Recall was not working on tertiary recall, apparently now ranks 4 5 6 will.
    Your timer for secondary recall was reduced, but for tertiary recall it was not.
    Drewie likes this.