TDS rk2 spells

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by wingz-83, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. Zentara Augur

    I just have to comment again that people are looking for "easy mode", and I for one enjoy it actually taking time to do things like get rank 2 spells.

    How long has it been since anyone used rank 1 spells due to how freaking easy it was to farm them, and then turn around and sell/buy? A rank 2 spell should be an accomplishment, not a "got all mine first week".
    Obiziana and drkoli like this.
  2. wingz-83 Augur

    Oh I'm totally willing to do the work...kill named, missions, HA's whatever. It just doesn't seem that it is available by doing that kind of work in any kind of regularity. I went into brother and did all the merc tasks and the partisan with no spell drops, but I can go and kill mobs for about 20/ 30 mins in HoT and get a random spell drop off a mob. It took me longer to do all the brother tasks than 20/30 mins.

    If wanting to have a reason to do missions and tasks over again (other than flagging) = easy mode then I want easy mode then. I guess trying to play the game as it's been established for a long time is easy mode.
    Odiosus likes this.
  3. Brogett Augur

    Agreed with making the rank 2s purchasable via HA currency, even if it's very expensive, just to show that you can get there slowly but surely without requiring luck. A chest at the end with a 1 in 10 chance of a spell would also encourage people to complete HAs rather than flip them.

    As for XP, the tier 1/2 TDS XP isn't so bad if you're grouped with level 105 and doing a TDS HA. The mobs scale in levels to the highest in group, so you get high level mobs and then quite reasonable XP. The base XP outside the instances is pretty weak, especially for tier 1. I have hopes it'll be much better in T3 though so I'm not completely writing it off. I just dislike the huge disparity between HAs vs base zones for XP rates as it harms people helping others through tasks. The task XP itself is very bad too compared to CotF, where you'd get XP for the mobs and also a sizeable chunk for completion.

    There are also some TDS HAs that I want to farm for the chance of aug drops (eg the caverns one). The out-of-water version of that was easy enough and I think was giving us more XP per mob than the deadhills HAs, although each mob took longer to kill.
  4. Orbital101 Augur

    I got 2 glowing and a median off the scavengers in Arx in less then 2 hrs... Not sure it was pure luck or meant to drop more off them.
  5. stuermchen Elder

    1 week TDS - full grp (5 Players / 1 Merc) - 6hrs per day progression or camping nameds. So far we got 2 minor (from trash ) and 2 medium (from nameds in caverns) - this sucks big time.
    If the drop rate keeps this low - we need 1 year to get the most important spells for the 5 players and 2 years to get them almost completely. this drop rate just encourages players to use mercs instead of players in a Group, cause mercs dont need spell drops ....
  6. drkoli Augur

    on my 103 sham i ended up getting about 10% xp with all the clearing required in caverns for the two partisan tasks. so xp isnt bad if you dont watch the xp bar
  7. drkoli Augur

    i agree. ive been 4 boxing thru TDS and have been enjoying it. xp isnt terrible and id rather work for my RK2 spells this time around. it gives me something to do once ive got all the partisan/mercenary/hero/ savior stuff done. and ill get a chance at spells as i work on hunter!
  8. fransisco Augur

    This just doesn't make sense. Requiring to group with people higher level just to get not terrible xp while leveling (and you can bet those 105s didnt do their xp by grinding in TDS)
  9. Lianeb Augur

    I am 105 and was in TDS exclusively the past week working on progression tasks and not watching the XP bar. My point is not all XP from 101 to 105 has to be done outside TDS to get to 105 in a week. And i don't feel like i spent any more or less time in game than normal.
  10. fransisco Augur

    Every one else in the game is posting that achievements and task completions give virtually no xp.
    If you ground to 105 only in TDS without banking a few levels of xp first, you need to get some sleep.
  11. Overpowered New Member

    Now if Moles dropped TDS spells it would be sunshine and rainbows up in here. That or Gribble missions.