Next Expansion Please Simplify AA's.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by idej, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. idej Augur

    AA's are getting out of control. They make you crossed eyed looking at them. Can we please combine like AA's to make the massive wall of text more player friendly.

    Even with the auto grant the people I get back into the game freeze when it comes time to AA.
    Leerah likes this.
  2. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    lol no kidding.

    I can't recall how long I had "outdated" AA's on my hotbar (the timers didn't always show properly or were not tied in at all).. The simple bit where AA #1 was king, then AA #2, then back to AA#1 two expansions later... ughhh

    I'd really like to see an option, where "Top Tier"/relevant AA's are able to be filtered on (separate from the "Can activate" / passive filter) I'm afraid there probably isn't enough on the back end to support that (I doubt it was considered about how AA's would be 14 years after putting them in) and would probably require quite a bit of one by one flagging.
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    What irks me are when they add new aa's or skills that do exactly the same, or *very* close to the same thing. Multi binding 24658336 things isn't always fun or a good way to play for some of us. Examples:

    Sk bite line AA's
    Tank big aggro dump abilities (ageless, mindless, aggro pet, etc)
    Wizard force line AA's
    Monk special attack abilities like kick/claw being split so multiple buttons must be mashed

    I'd much rather have 1 ability I can use every 10s versus 3 abilities I can use every 30s.
  4. Laronk Augur

    can we get the alt activate numbers put into the description of the AA
  5. Blademaster Elder

    I've always wanted to be able to organise the AA's I am currently interested in into a separate "Shortlist Tab".
    Dre. likes this.
  6. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This has been asked for already. And asked for. And asked for. And asked for.

    See where I'm going with this? It's one of those classic cases of "It's too hard and too expensive to fix so we'll just carpet over the top of it".

    Better luck next millennium...
  7. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I haven't looked at TDS specifically, but all the pre-TDS AA have this already.
    Mykaylla likes this.
  8. idej Augur

    The auto grant is great and all but trying to get through the AA's to decipher what you have is a struggle. I mean when you have to scroll for 15 seconds just to get to the bottom then that means there is a lot sitting in front of you.

    Maybe you can make some of the AAs like you did the leadership AAs and automatically add it to the character once they reach that level. It needs a clean up. Right now it is nothing but intimidating to anyone looking at them.
  9. segap Augur

    I'd be happy with some additional filter options. I'd like to see all purchased AAs that can be activated. Currently you can filter between All/Can Purchase and All/Passive/Can be Activated. Add Purchased to that first combo and finding things would be much, much better.

    A check box to give you a hot key on purchase would be great as well. It's a pain buying a new AA and having to turn off the Can Purchase filter before buying so that you can make the hot key afterwards.
    Dre. likes this.
  10. Iila Augur


    It's right there on all the activated AAs.
    Took a while for this to get added, but it's in game now, so no need to keep asking.
    Yinla likes this.
  11. Leerah Augur

    A lot of melee AA could be made innate.
    Koryu and Dre. like this.
  12. Laronk Augur

    I'm blind thanks.
    Iila likes this.
  13. Dre. Altoholic

    A "level" filter, which hides AA's that require you to level up before you buy the first/next rank. This could functionally replace the 'expansion' filter which is currently kind of pointless.
    Or anything hastened/quickened/extended. These could just be rolled into the base abilities for the appropriate level and future versions.
    Leerah likes this.
  14. Brohg Augur

    I don't care so much about paying separately for hastening/quickening, but I'd sure be tickled if they were renamed to sit next to their parent AA. "War Cry Hastening" instead of "Hastened War Cry"
    Gildurath and Melanippe like this.
  15. Hatsee Augur

    Disagree, I don't know how many zerkers have but for rangers it keeps it nice and tidy with all the hastening lines in order. All 19 of them.
    Yinla likes this.
  16. Kamzak Journeyman

    Who here actually believes we will get another expansion lol
  17. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    I never understood why you couldn't just combine AA lines that do the exact same thing. As Monks I think we have at least 3 (I lost count tbh) lines of AAs that increase flying kick damage. Seems like such a simple solution to combine them all into one line.
  18. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    I get that, but what of simple, activated abilities that do things like damage.

    I'm at work so can't recall the names but sk get 2 different bite AA (vicious bite of chaos and one other) that nuke the mob and heal/mana tap the group on a ~45s timer. In the majority of situations id much prefer to simply have the totals of the nukes/heals/mana combined into 1 ability, thus creating one less button to mash.

    Could say the same for the 3 wizard force line, though in some cases it's preferable to have separate nukes for killing old trash, etc. and they can't really use auto attack as a reasonable form of dps.