2 questions on Druid "of the Reptile" spells....

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Tatankawolfdancer, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    So, I'm using this spell (the level 84 version) when I molo with my tank merc, and it never seems to wear off early. So I'm left to wondering if it ever procs on the merc tank. I don't ever see any messages, but there are other spells which don't give messages on mercs, so it could be that it does proc, but I just don't see messages.

    Now, I'm doing all fights against dark blue mobs, so I should be getting procs, as far as that goes (I know it procs less as the mobs go down in level). So I'm left with these two questions:

    1 - Do the Reptile spells proc for mercs? If so, do they proc at the same rate as on a player? And for dark blue mobs, how ofter should it be going off against unslowed mobs?
    2 - Can one cast an old version of the spell (like from 5-10 levels back) to get it to proc more often? In other words, does the proc rate depend on the spell level, or the tank's level, or the caster's level?


  2. Brohg Augur

    The counters aren't intended to limit the duration of spells like this (cle & shm have their versions as well, and all three tank classes have self-buffs) in normal fighting situations. Especially not versus single mobs, which I imagine you're doing with a merc. The counters are there only to keep the proc from being abused versus a large number of enemies mass pulled.
  3. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    Yeah, I know that part. I just want to know if it's going off at all with the merc.
  4. malfurionn Elder

    It does proc for mercs and the easy way to check is on the mobs buff window, the attack debuff part of the proc will show up there.
  5. malfurionn Elder

    Also, doing single pulls with 72 hit counter it's normal enough to see it wear off before all the counters have proc'd.
  6. malfurionn Elder

    It won't let me edit but I just noticed the attack debuff aspect of it doesn't start until the 89 version but it does indeed work for mercs.
  7. Tatankawolfdancer Elder

    Great, thanks for the input. I did see on ZAM that the proc has a chat output to the main char (the merc in this case, "when cast on you"), but no message for "when cast on other", so I wouldn't see a message in my log, even if it was a PC with the buff.

    So the only frustration left is, how often is it going off, since I can't see the counter on the merc? If it's using 60 of the counter, that's not too bad. If it's 10, then it's not worth casting. Guess I'll have to box a tank, and see how it goes :)

    Thanks again,

  8. telechir Elder

    There is one thing to keep an eye on. These "reflect" buffs seem to be bugged, probably for all 3 priest classes.

    If your merc ever uses a defensive disc, which they normally do when they lose a lot of hps quickly from a lucky round fighting a named, the buff gets bugged and begins to reflect the "debuff" portion of the spell onto the merc. You can see the debuff in the merc buff window, and if you are parsing you may notice it also.

    Feedback and bug report this if you see it. I've been bug reporting it for years but who knows, maybe another person will make a difference.
  9. malfurionn Elder

    Ah I've always wondered why it shows up on the merc sometimes.