Bored with monk

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Turmion Kätilöt, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Turmion Kätilöt New Member

    I apologize if I have grammar failures, english is not my main/native language.

    Im lvl 39 monk and i find it boring.

    I have kick, round kick, tiger claw, tail rake... But when i use one of them, they ALL get colddown, so all i do is autoattack + pushing 1 bottom with oñe of those abilities.

    This game seems very hard and with a lot of content. Maybe im missing or doing wrong something?

    Btw, is there any decent weapon? by any quest? Bazzar is very expensive, im still using fists, and all random weapons i loot from bodies are trash. My mercenary tank does more dmg than me by far.

    Thank you.
  2. Borek-VS Augur

    I can't cure boredom, that's a personal issue.

    It's best to use flying kick, as that is the most effective; at a higher level there's an AA (I think, it's been a while) that skills up all kick skills as you progress. Hands are also the most effective weapons for monks at low levels. The tank merc doing more dps than you is something there that helps you to advance more rapidly; round about level 60 thinks will change (same goes for the weapons), and gradually you'll be doing a lot more dps, and probably being a better tank all round than a merc.

    EQ is a big game; you don't have to use all the content in one pass :). Compared to some other MMOs it may seem hard, but I can assure you that really there is nothing difficult - unless comparing to games that some might say are too easy :).

    If you want to remain solo, then you might consider mixing it up - one day do Franklin Teek daily quests, another exploring new zones, another working on the Hero's Journey. But really, the answer is people: do some research and join a guild that will help you. Even just joining in with chat will help.
    Turmion Kätilöt likes this.
  3. Yther Augur

    From what I've heard (haven't tested it 'cause haven't played a monk for years) the AA now only procs the same skill you used to trigger, so you have to really put in the practice on the skills. That said however, I think the post in the Melee section of these forums that states what few (5 or 6) skills need to be kept up, and you may not even have 1 or 2 of them yet.

    By 39, if Hand to Hand skill is maxed or nearly, just stick to Fists until 65 when there are better ratio H2H (Martial) and 1HB weapons and the epic 1.5. See for Fist ratios at varying H2H skill levels. Also use dmg divided by dly ratios to find the best weapon(s).

    Alot of the fun of a Monk is just the pure dps so studying up on how to max that out, and ability to pull using Feign Death and disciplines. At 39, you may not still have any pulling discs or just got the first one. See the Tomes merchants in Plane of Knowledge. Disciplines (discs for short) will offer alot more variety in Monk play.

    I forgot where I was going, and Borek covered the rest pretty well. Just wanted to mention that Wu's AA as far as I know, no longer randomly procs a 2nd skill but the same one used every time.

    EDIT: Remembered the tank mercenary will out dps you for a while, but if you stick with it, you will eventually out dps them. They are just way overpowered below level 50 to make leveling easier.

    EDIT 2: AA link:
    Yther Ore.
    Turmion Kätilöt likes this.
  4. Yther Augur

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  5. Malkavius Augur

    Most melee dps can be rather boring till about 60-65 when they have a lot more disciplines and AAs which add a lot more to your kit. And once you get 80-85 playing a melee is often compared to playing a piano due to the ridiculous amount of skills you have to use to maximize your dps.

    Also they changed tiger claw a while back and it can be used in addition to flying kick now. So for a while you should just spam auto attack/flying kick/tiger claw. Once you hit 65 the real dps starts to kick in.

    Forgot to add. If monk is altogether too boring I would recommend a Beastlord. They are very similar to a monk in that they use the same weapons/armor and even have FD (at higher levels and not as good though). And if you are mostly soloing a beastlord is perfect with their spells and pet.
    Turmion Kätilöt likes this.
  6. Oldschool Elder

    If you are bored with a monk, play a different class. Don't sit and complain that the game is too hard.
  7. Malkavius Augur

    He wasn't complaining he was just stating the game is hard. Which it very much is for most new players. A lot of new people aren't used to the difficulty of EQ compared to most MMos.
    Turmion Kätilöt and Azar_EQ like this.
  8. Turmion Kätilöt New Member

    thanks for all answers
    JacklSK likes this.
  9. Reskal Elder

    His main reason to post here was the need of information about his char and class. No reason for you to pick a sentence out and bully him. Live and let live, ok ?
    Turmion Kätilöt and Azar_EQ like this.
  10. Brohg Augur

    Bored at level 39 is a tough spot for monk. The class has a TON more going on at high level with pulling & dps tools, but you really have to press through early on. Same with warrior & berserker (different stuff than monk, but still - way more at high level).
    Turmion Kätilöt likes this.
  11. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    At high levels, Monks become more interesting and groups are more common. Soloing a Monk doesn't sound fun to me either, but later you can become a great "puller" charged with splitting piles of enemies apart and bringing just one at a time back to camp.

    You'll have a powerful stun, a powerful defensive discipline, and plenty of pulling and damage options. Knowing when you need to do which thing is what separates the decent Monks from the great ones.

    In the end, a Monk also has to revel in making enemies go "crunch" a lot. If you want a more difficult class, try Enchanter.
    Turmion Kätilöt likes this.