Can't remove rank III spells from our spell books if we want to downgrade!

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Anthony CT, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. Anthony CT New Member

    've petitioned this a few times and have been told that there is nothing they can do about it. I would like to be able to downgrade my Chaotic Corruption Rank III spell the the lower Rank II version. I wasn't aware that there was a stacking issue with the Rank III version and the rank III Dissolution and Forsaken spells when I upgraded Chaotic Corruption Rank II to rank III. If you are using the rank II version you can stack this with the Rank III versions of Dissolution and Pyre of the Forsaken, if you have upgraded to the rank III version of Chaotic Corruption III, Dissolution or Forsaken will just overlap the Dot. Some folks who were aware of this are still able to make use of the Chaotic Corruption rank II spell and some who updated lose an extra important dot. If there was some way to remove the rank III version from our spell books we could just memorize the lower rank II version again and the problem would be solved but there is no way to remove the rank III version from our books. Is there any way to help us with this?
  2. Repthor Augur

    sound more like a bug to me. if they are intended to stack they need to fix that if they arent intended to stack they need to fix that . RK3 spell should allways be an upgrade

    sevral times in diffrent expansions have we gotten odd spells that the rk3 one is less usefull then say rank 1 spell we have one right now. mages call fo the heros only diffrence from rank 1- 3 is higher tank is higher mana costs i mean the . sevral expansions ago warriors got a discs upgrade to otu defensive and the only diffrence between r1 and was higher ranks costsed more endurence. some spells just wasent meant to get rank upgardeds but fell thrut he cracks and got one but sense they wherent intended to get power increases they just got the resource ost upped and fell thru the cracks

    just bug it and pm the devs
  3. Narknon Augur

    Should be able to delete the spell.
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    You can't for years IIRC they took out that ability.
  5. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It's a bug that they stack that will be fixed soon.
  6. Tual Augur

    You can still delete spells. right click, hit delete button, click yes, spell poofs, I just logged my necro in and did it to check.
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  7. ~Mills~ Augur

    Stacking dots is a bug? Hopefully this is just your narrow sighted opinion on the matter and not you influencing the devs again. Otherwise there are quite a few bugs related to Ethereal Weave as it doesn't work exactly as intended either /cough doesn't eat counters from your burn clicks like PD, arcane, improved twincast, etc /cough.

    There are certain dot lines that have shared timers to prevent or deter stacking. There are certain dot lines that have aspects built in them that prevent lower versions from landing to prevent stacking. For all other dot lines we have always been able to stack different ranks on a mob. We don't need more headaches taking it from 5 painful dot lines to work around and the rest working like they did in the past to now having more dot lines having rk issues among necros. On top of the debuff cap issues, on top of needing a single target for at least 60 seconds to really participate, on top of needing 7 focus effects to get going, on top of needing 10 spells to get going, on top of having lower mana regen in a group setting. Instead of getting 3-4 spells, 3 focus effects and having higher mana regen like some other casters.

    A group necro or a lower attendance raid necro should not be blocked from participating or be completely crippled because he can't use certain dot lines due to various restrictions. Just because another necro he is group or guilded with got spell upgrades days, weeks or months before him. Thats what happens right now with 3 of our dot lines, one necro upgrades and the rest are completely blocked from using that dot line until they have an equal rank, we don't need more of this stupidity entering the game unless it applies to all casters. If someone is using rk 3 of this nuke then all other nukers with that spell can't use it unless they also have rk 3.
  8. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It has nothing to do with multiple necros, he wants to downgrade that 1 specific spell so he can stack both rank 2 and 3 together himself.

    Stacking rank 2 and 3 of the same dot, at the same time, by yourself, is not, nor has it ever been, intended.
  9. ~Mills~ Augur

    It has everything to do with multiple necros because of how dots work. I know what he wants to do but if that 1 specific spell is changed to block lower ranks from stacking it then impacts 3 spells, CC and the two dots it can cast. You impact the stacking of all 3 for all necros if you change it. You understand the game as well if not better then devs in some situations yet you continue to display a lack understanding for dots yet continue to chime in and lobby as if you do.

    If CC is changed anyone using a lower rank of CC is blocked from using that dot entirely. They also are prevented from using lower ranks of the two dots it is comprised of. So again if one raid necro has rk 3 CC and casts it another necro with only rk 2 spells loses the ability to use CC rk 2, loses the ability to use the rk 2 fire dot its comprised of and loses the ability to use the rk 2 plant dot its comprised of. There is no flag to only impact stacking dots on an individual basis outside of shared timers which again we already have enough of to work around we don't need more hassle on top of all the other hoops we have to jump through. Being able to stack rk 2 of a spell on a mob while also stacking rk 3 is not a bug its how dots have worked outside of a few newer ones for over a decade. Just because a new spell line allowed for an individual to use both a rk 2 and rk 3 version of a dot does not mean you break 3 dot lines for all necros because they are getting a slight boost in SOME situations.

    Are you diligently working to get Etherel Weave fixed? So it consumes counters.
  10. Ayoheee Augur

    Ethereal weave does eat counters from ITC. If ethereal weave chance fires it eats *two* counters.
  11. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    And it was reported as soon as people noticed it.
  12. Xnao Augur

    I think he meant prolonged destruction.
  13. Marshall Maathers Augur

    You blew the first rule of necro.
  14. Ayoheee Augur

    I think he meant prolonged destruction when he said PD, too, yes. I think he meant improved twincast when he said improved twincast.
  15. ~Mills~ Augur

    I don't play a wizard and even I knew from the grapevine that ethereal weave does not eat counters from some abilities and that most wizards game this fact for a nice boost. I just don't know exactly which abilities it gets free modifications from. Regardless thats a pretty big bug yet here is mr math chiming in that dot stacking is a bug when it relates to a tiny boost only in some situations as if he is here to save the balance of the game.

    Hey its me mr math telling you to give that $1.50 extra in change you got back, as he pockets $50 when no one is looking.
  16. Apocalyps Elder

    Im not sure what guild you are in but in top tier raiding guilds Necros top a lot of the t2 + powar combine parses not wizards. So you are saying a necro should get to stack 3 of the same type of a dot yet a wizard cant use more than one instant spell since they are all on the same.timer ?
  17. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It's actually -not- a really big bug. It's 1 spell with a 36 second recast. Even if you spammed it (which unless the fight lasts less than 5 minutes is a stupid thing to do), it wouldn't be more than 3-4 casts in total. Prolonged has 40 counters.

    A MUCH bigger bug, which was reported during Beta, is that Arcane Fury blocks ALL spells from using counters on PD/AD so that those abilities get dozens more procs than they should.

    But back to the point: Ethereal Weave not using counters was reported as soon as it was noticed, (also during Beta). Did you report being able to stack multiple versions of the same DoT, yourself, which is also a bug? No? How shocking.
  18. Marshall Maathers Augur

    I could see why this would be interpreted as not a bug, since they are 2 different spells.
  19. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    It's happened before, been said to be a bug before, and been changed before.
  20. strongbus Augur

    without going in and changing how dots stack so that the different rks of the same dot don't stack with each other.(which would be very bad as it would mean that if one necro in a raid had rk3 and rest of necros had rk2 then on the necro with rk3 could land dots on a mob). How could they fix it?. Unless they can flag the dots for a single person.