Revive Pottery and in-game Augments

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Silv, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. the337th New Member

    Good news, this one exists already.
  2. Silv Augur

    While I agree that SC has implemented A LOT of ornaments and random junk, these were all items already in game. SC items are unique and don't exist (for the most part - some illusions cross over but don't get me started on that topic.

    Seeing as how they did put in some ornamentations, I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility. People can go for nostalgia or they can go for completely immersion breaking ornaments from the SC store.

    Maybe a quarterly release or something would be excessive or undoable due to resources but at least onc release per expansion (maybe 6 months after launch (?) as an added weekly content update would be awesome. They recently did a massive overhaul of item icons for no apparent reason months back. I don't personally know if the art team is directly tied to the development team but it seems like they may have a little more time/resources (completely my speculation).
  3. Rainbowdash Augur

    I for sure support a relic replica 3 going in with TDS. A couple suggestions!

    Qeynos Kite Shield - Shield
    Aegis of Ice - Shield
    Aegis of the Dragorn Elders - Shield
    Quintessence of Elements - 2 Hand Blunt
    Staff of Discord - 2 Hand Blunt
    Black Blade of Tormenting - 2 Hand Slash
    Cone of the Mystics - 1 Hand Blunt (I'm not kidding...I actually like this thing)
    Zraxthril Forged Axe - 1 Hand Slash
    Zraxthril Forged Flamberg - 1 Hand Slash
    Luggald Dagger - 1 Hand Piercing
    Fleshthreader's Mace - 1 Hand Blunt
    Plaguebreeze - Bow (Bow Kyvs use)
    Halberd of Endless Pain - 2 Hand Slash (Halberd Ixt use)
    Discordant Dagger of Night - 1 Hand Piercing
    Blade of Pure Light - 2 Hand Slash
    Chain-Powered Longcutter - 1 Hand Slash
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  4. Cerris Augur

    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    They have released new Pottery made weapon and shield ornaments with every expansion since they started. There will be more. I think that every quarter is asking a bit much with the apparent workload on the TS Dev being a bit much for him currently.
  6. Rainbowdash Augur

    CoTF didn't get one
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Not a whole book, but I thought there were some added? Maybe there were just old tasks for it in the beta last year.
  8. Silv Augur

    Yeah, in retrospect every quarter would probably be a bit much for whatever reason they come up with. However, here is a look at one of the ornaments:

    Unfired Aegis of Blackscales Ornament
    Aegis of Blackscales Ornament Sketch, Alaris Infused Clay(2), Hematite

    First item is purchased, second item is Essence of Alaris (common drop) + Magic clay, third item is purchased.

    Throw in a firing sheet with the final combine = ornament made.

    Priority on the list of things for devs/art team to do? No, of course not. However, The graphics are there and so are the recipe templates; doesn't seem like a terribly demanding idea.
  9. SpamFactory Augur

    I don't like player made ornaments. I think they are too easy and too accessible.

    I personally prefer ornaments being the result of quests, chase items, or achievements. The sol dal conquest achievement ornaments are a good example and so is the erilynne ornament.

    The GM event POP era shields ( wand note that this link doesnt show the ornaments themselves but its the easiest way to see the whole list. Each of these exist as a GM event awarded ornament. the wands in the link are likely used by GMs to award the ornaments) are maybe a little too exclusive, but I still prefer them being ultra rare than to be craftable on demand via pottery.
  10. Vearchi New Member

    I like this idea too
  11. Norathorr Augur

    I think being able to make an ornament of any item that drops should be appropriate if it is a very high end tradeskill combine with some other rare drops including the item that you are trying to make the ornament of. Blade of Pure light for example is still pretty hard to get hold of unless you wanna farm solteris over and over. If an ornament could be made it could either be used or sold for a lot of plat. Would give another way for people to make some money for Krono and also allow people to customize their character as they please. I personally like some of the old looks and I cant get that from modern drops or the market place. Allowing tradeskillers to chomp out unwanted items and make ornaments out of them would provide a new avenue for people without in alot of cases flooding the game with them due to the events they come from and the rarity of the drops.