Problem buying items in Auction House

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Jabez, Aug 26, 2014.

  1. Jabez New Member

    Hi all,

    I'm having a problem buying stuff in the AH and Sony doesn't seem to be able to fix. They are telling me there is nothing they can do and they have invited me to share with you all the problem I'm having, in the hopes that someone will be able to point me in the right direction. I appreciate any help any of you might be able to give.

    This happens every single time. No exception. So far.

    I'm in the AH. I bring up the /bazaar window. I type in the search window a string, such as "simple defiant leather". The query returns a few items. I scan through the results and see if I like anything there. If I decide I do want to go get something I right click on the vendor name. I follow the glowy trail to the vendor. I right click on the vendor to open up their window. And I have yet to find what the /bazaar window says should be there. Never. It's not there. Sony says that this will happen if there are 80 or more items for sale in the vendor's bag. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. No way for me to know. Except that it has happened every single time I've tried it. Without exception. Every time. I can't believe every vendor I've looked at had 80+ items for sale. There were more than just a few vendors I've looked at that only showed me 5, 6, 8 items in their window.

    Most of the time I am unable to contact the person behind the toon. I did get lucky one time and was able to speak to the vendor. I told her I could not see the item I was looking for and she told me that it was in fact in her bag (for sale). She tried to go out of vendor mode and back in to see if that fixed it for me. Negative. I ended up just doing an old fashion trade with her for the item.

    Like I said this is what happens every single time I look something up in /bazaar. I'm getting a little frustrated. I'm hoping that someone here will recognize this problem and maybe have a work around for it? I fear I'm gonna end up being the only player in this game who will have to go back to the good 'ol East Commons tunnel days when I want to purchase something. Not really looking forward to that.

    Thanks in advance for any help anybody is able to give. I really appreciate it.
  2. Feradach Augur

    Are you running a custom UI by chance? If so, do a /loadskin default and repeat your process to see if things display properly.

    Not for nothing, but there's no such thing as an Auction House (AH) in EQ. It's the Bazaar.
  3. Everstorm Augur

    Are you trying to buy stuff for another character, as in stuff the character you are on can not use? If that's the case try to uncheck the "only show items I can use" box, not sure on the exact wording of that. Then again I would be surprised if CS didn't suggest that.
    Fanra, Jabez and Qest T. Silverclaw like this.
  4. Fendy Augur

    Your WoW is showing. Auction Houses are found in Azeroth, not Norrath. :)
    Gyurika Godofwar, Axxius and Jabez like this.
  5. Jabez New Member

    Thank you all for the replies.

    Feradach. Thank you and I apologize, I should have mentioned what I have tried so far. I have tried the /loadskin command. /loadskin default 1. I also have tried to do a "validate game assets" from the advanced tools area of the launcher. I also have tried to delete the .../everquest/uifiles directory and the .../everquest/UI_Character_server.ini files. And then rerun the validate game assets again. Those did not seem to do anything at all.

    Everstorm. Thank you very much. Next time I am in game I will give that a try. I am in fact in the Bazaar trying to buy for someone else. I never even knew that checkbox existed to be honest. Must have just overlooked it. Although there is some stuff that I have been trying to buy that the character I was on at the time could not use, but I do not believe that was the case every time I've tried it. But I can't say for sure though. I'm just gonna give that a try anyway. Just because I think it's a great idea. :)

    Fendy. Now I'm feeling stupid. Thanks. ;) In my defense though, it WAS at one time called the AH, wasn't it? No? Just call me old school.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Ratbo Peep Augur

    It's very likely that it's the "items I can use" button.
    And nope was never called an AH in EQ - sorry. :)
    First Bazaar I remember (on CT) , was player created, in the Commonlands Tunnel.
    Someone correct me on that if needed. :)
  7. Fendy Augur

    Well originally it was called the east commonlands tunnel. Later the first bazaar zone was created. ;-)
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  8. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Another thing: are you a f2p account, or an all-access? I can't remember if f2p was limited just to not being able to sell in the bazaar, or just outright unable to do anything in it.
  9. Jabez New Member

    Hi all,

    Winnowyl: I am all-access. I had better be anyway. I paid $120 (rounded up) to play for the year. But good thought. Something I did not think about.

    Everstorm and Ratbo: I just went in to check. I cannot find anything on the /bazaar window that says anything at all about items only you can use. I also looked on the vendor window and did not see it there either. It could be that I am going blind though. But. I did check and the vendor IS in fact only showing me stuff that I (the character I am currently on) can use. I did a search in /bazaar window for items I could not use and couldn't see it on the vendor and I searched for stuff I could use and did see it on the vendor. So if there is in fact a checkbox or something that I can change I'll eventually find it and change it. Until then, although not perfect, this is absolutely good enough for me. I can deal with having to bring in the character I want to buy for to do the buying. A lot better than what I was thinking was gonna happen. :)

    Thank you all very much for taking the time to reply and give me good ideas! I really appreciate it. Sincerely.
  10. -BreeZer- New Member

    On Tribunal I remember Gfay being the place to sell/find items before it migrated to the Tunnel in EC.
  11. Melanippe Augur

    The "Show only items I can use" button appears when you actually look at / open the window for the vendor/merchant. It's at the bottom left. Also, just in cast you didn't notice, you must stretch the actual bazaar window /baz down some to show all the possible choices when filtering for items. :) The "Show only items I can use" feature is also helpful when checking for items on various merchants, such as spell merchants, tome merchants, etc. Just remember to check and un-check it depending on the situation.
    Jabez likes this.
  12. Fendy Augur

    Jabez likes this.
  13. Jabez New Member

    Thank you Melanippe and Fendy. I found it! Now I am truly good to go. You all are awesome and I thank you. I need to go get my eyes checked though, that is for sure. If that thing was a snake it would have bitten me.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  14. Ratbo Peep Augur

    I didn't specify a direction (N/S/E/W) because my memory is hazy...... :)
  15. Everstorm Augur

    Glad to help, but shame on customer service for not being able to help you on that.
    Jabez likes this.