Wizard IRC

Discussion in 'Casters' started by CrazyLarth, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. CrazyLarth Augur

  2. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Because our Staff Block is already way higher than Shield Block. I don't have exact values for it though.

    I am more concerned over the lack of upgrades to:

    Destructive Fury
    Destructive Adept
    Prolonged Destruction
    Arcane Destruction
    Arcane Fury
    Arcane Fusion
    Spell Casting Fury Mastery (Elidroth wants to end Crit Chance AAs, but I would like to see us at least reach Parity with -every other spell caster- which won't happen unless SCFM gets another 7+ ranks, (I forget the exact value of Fury of Magic, but we are at least 7% behind in total crit chance than other damage casters).

    Most of which are considered by players to be "core" abilities, even if some are newer than others.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Nandi like this.
  3. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    My list atm is:

    Destructive Fury
    3 more ranks of 10%.

    Destructive Adept
    3 more ranks of 1%

    Prolonged Destruction
    3 more ranks of 5-10% more damage.

    Arcane Destruction
    3 more ranks of Damage absorb to compensate for level/damage increase on mobs.

    Arcane Fury
    3 more ranks of 5% damage.

    Arcane Fusion
    Increase in proc rate and base damage.

    Spell Casting Fury Mastery
    3 more ranks of 1%.

    Abscond Rank 2:
    Instant or at least .5 second cast time. Similar to the Druid AA Succor rank 2.

    X Focus of Arcanum
    I am assuming this is on his other list that wasn't posted, since each Focus upgrade is a separate AA it isn't technically an "upgrade."

    Concussive Intuition
    Upgraded, by a LOT, it's woefully low vs our aggro generation. Ideally somewhere in the -15k range.

    Eradicate Magic
    Upgrade that does NOT remove more buffs, just a higher chance to remove. As I understand it, it has a 40% chance right now. Would like to see that higher. (Many dispels are set to 90%).

    Force of Will/Flame/Ice
    Would like to see the upgrades have a higher resist check besides whatever else they have. Ideally -50 checks.

    Mind Crash
    Needs a Massive, massive, upgrade. For this to be in the proper range vs our aggro generation it would need to be close to -100k hate.

    Hastened Mind Crash
    Two more ranks of 10% would bring it down to the 15 minute reuse range.

    I know he is going to be very conservative about giving this out, but I would like to see at least 1 more rank.

    Harvest of Druzzil
    Since it is a level increase expansion, a little bit more mana, and another second shaved off the cast time.


    Hastened Concussive Intuition
    Ideally I'd like to see it in the 30 second range, but I don't expect him to shave a full minute off it all at once.

    Hastened Frost Shackles
    Ideally I'd like to see 3 ranks of 2 second less recast. That would make it a 6 second recast like our AA snare.

    Hastened Force of Flame/Ice
    Or add Force of Flame/Ice to Hastened Force of Will and rename it to reflect that it works for all three.

    Hastened Arcane Fury
    Five ranks of 2 minutes to bring it down to the 20 minute reuse range.

    Amplified Destruction
    Three ranks of 1% SPA 413 passive. (This is what is used on our new BP focus).

    Arcane Reiteration
    A new AA that is a cross between our 'Mancy lines and Mana Reiteration. It would work like our 'Mancies but proc off any spell and add a straight amount of damage like MR, but be less damage of course. Note this is NOT a combination of pyro/cryo/arco.
  4. Apocalyps Elder

    I think it is a decent idea but i'm not sure it would be as advantageous as you might think. I would think a perma proc damage increase to either fire/cold/magic of around lets say 1k like the girdle of the weaponmaster would be more better. We already have enough proc going on as it is too much would be to a disadvantage.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    The idea is for it to be something we are using while solo. Using potions / Enchanter MR would be better, this would be used when we are not using either of those.

    I would go through hundreds of potions a week trying to use them while grouping, and I usually don't have an enchanter in my group.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  6. Caixaa Elder

    After Arcane Fusion and Forces nerf I got no desire to join the IRC... I don't expect devs to put back those AAs where it were, but I really hope that whatever AA they give us for next expansion will not be nerfed months later due to whatever reason.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Reht like this.
  7. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Well, for those that will be joining IRC, I made a separate channel for us to talk amongst ourselves so that we aren't all trying to talk over each other. On the same server, /join eqaawizard
  8. Brohg Augur

    I would much like extended range for Lower Element AA, to match the focused range of nukes.

    I would like to continue getting ranks of Quick Damage. Spell haste is currently capped with buff, but I'd like to keep eating into the "self" portion to eventually eclipse the need.
  9. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Quick damage is done, he said that last time.
  10. Apocalyps Elder

    From other chats i see ITC is getting 2 more ranks of hasten aa. I'm not sure if i will be avail for the chat yet but id like to see 1-6 or 1-8 % increase to income damage for fire and cold debuff added to lower element :) 3 more ranks of fury of ro
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Disappointed to see he hasn't used any suggestions from the AA list that he asked for back in March.

    To be honest, after the nerfs I don't care what he gives us as long as there is lots of it, tired of being max AA for so long....I need a reason to play.
  12. Caixaa Elder

    by the way, please ask devs how comes that Force of will does the same damage than flame/ice, when will is rank 15 and flame/ice are rank 3... it doesnt make sense (tbh what doesnt make sense are the nerfs, but that's offtopic I guess...)
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Because Force of Will is a lot older. When he added Force of Flame/Ice he made them start at the same damage Force of Will was already at.
  14. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Hastened Improved Twincast and Persistant Casting were both given an ok for Clerics, which should extend to us since they are shared AAs.

    Suggestions from the server channel:

    An AA Rune.
    Crit chance to Improved familiar
    Damage bonus to lower Element (SPA 296)
  15. Mookus Augur

    New idea again...

    Beam of Displacement Rk.2
    -rank 2 adds root to our existing beam of displacement.

    This would be a very useful addition for wizards. And it would be well within our existing area of expertise, and would not affect dps balance.
  16. Narknon Augur

    Be careful suggesting crit chance.. he's said he doesn't want to add any, and when I suggested something additional for druids he got a bit angry lol
  17. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I'm aware, however, Wizards currently have the lowest crit chance (we are 7% lower) of any caster class because we don't get Fury of Magic. All I want to see is parity between us and the rest, not -more-. then they do.
  18. Ayoheee Augur

    Hastened A Hole in Space - would like to see the reuse timer get down to 1:30 or 2:00.

    Stances: analogous to the warrior stances. One adds a small amount of critable base damage to single target nukes, one adds a small amount of critable base damage to AE nukes, one diminishes base damage but increases chance to block. Use SPA 303 and its not gonna affect burst damage (won't stack with furys).

    Hastened Netherstep - would like to see the reuse timer get down to 0:10 or 0:15.

    AA version of our armor of the stonescale line.

    Enormous rune (at least as big as Arcane Destruction) that roots you, when it fades triggers a +healing effectiveness buff.

    Improved Familiar slot 4 SPA 294 base 1=5, base 2=125 along with mana and manaregen updates appropriate for a 5-level increase.
  19. Caixaa Elder

    I like the AA rune and the hastened Hole... and I think another class has gotten something like it for their fade... cant remember which class though.
  20. Ayoheee Augur

    Read the chat transcript thanks to those of you who went and submitted feedback and kept it civil thanks Elidroth for hearing us out.

    Just wanna say tho....A Hole in Space reuse timer is currently TWO and 1/2 minutes, not 1 and 1/2 minutes. Would be super if it got down to 1 and 1/2 minutes.