Enchanter IRC

Discussion in 'Casters' started by silku, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Silv Augur

    Right off the bat in the first post the ones that stand out to me that never happened were the following:

    1. Recant/Copy-paste Ranger AA: Dispel. How we did not get this as an AA before other classes I have no idea.

    2. Haste Mastery: Either we need an AA to make this match Clarity or the spell itself should be increased. This is more of an annoyance factor than anything else though.

    A lot of the others have already been reiterated here or were actually added into the per-determined list published by Elidroth.

    Oh, my other new one - Mez Lure: Lure all targets currently mezzed to the Enchanter. Alternatively, give us that AE Lurch we were supposed to get an expansion or two ago.

    Okay, I think I'm done for now :p
    Jordis likes this.
  2. RPoo Augur

    "Phantasmic reflex 7/8/9 - Add rune proc by stunning in addition to mezzing"
    Currently only mezzing a target will proc phantasmic reflex. I am suggesting that in addition to mezzing targets, stunning targets also have a chance to proc phantasmic reflex
    Jordis and silku like this.
  3. Silv Augur

    ^that and an increase in the rune damage would be my ideal upgrade.
    silku likes this.
  4. Ueuill Elder

    The beneficial only dispel. I can't believe I forgot that.

    And a PB AoE mezz such as the Bards have. (Because Florencia is the dumbest community liaison that our class has ever been cursed with. There. I said it.)
    Jordis likes this.
  5. Narknon Augur

    Yeah, like I said, some type of lure I think would be one of the best AAs we could get. Maybe one with a semi short recast that only pulled 6 mobs to the spot...
  6. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I was sorely tempted to report your post. It's a personal attack not only on a player, but on an ex-community representative who isn't even here to answer it.

    I don't mean to suggest that everyone has to agree with their representatives, but that disagreement needs to be civil and certainly not of the type heaped upon Florencia for no reason.

    In the end, SOE developers nerfed us, not Florencia, so if you're upset, at least direct your ire where it belongs.

    The only reason I didn't report it is because moderation in these forums is far too heavy-handed.
  7. Silv Augur

    I *really* wish we could just move on past that whole thing. Let's try and get back on track and be constructive. :)
    silku likes this.
  8. WhtRabbit Lorekeeper

    To Silv: I'd love to see the return of Lurch but it's nerf was due to raiders exploiting it. Since it's just easier to nerf the spell instead of fixing the raid I don't think we will be seeing it any time soon.

    To Qest: He's clearly implying she was terrible at her job. If this was the same class rep who had the brilliant idea of "NERF us now so we get cool toy's later" then his description of her is far too kind.
    I'd also point out that while you think his post is against the rules your finger waggling one is also a rule breaker. Try to keep it on topic and let the mods do the moderating.
    Ueuill likes this.
  9. Random_Enchanter Augur

    I would like to take part in the IRC, however not being one for twitter, facebook etc, i have very little idea as to how to go about it. thursdays is my extra long work days so if it is just a typed chat room i can easly join. A voice thing though is a no go. Either way we should make a list of what we realy want beyond what is going to be given to us already.

    From the looks of it quite a few of use what in order is:

    Group Revitalization - endurance and mana regen (instant or over time?) to a group. QM level impact.
    Hastened Illusions of Granduer - Down to same timer as ITC
    Gift of Chromatic Haze - should inquire as to what haze rank 4-6 does
    Charm Mastery - Innate ability to charm up to one additional level per rank - should inquire what EoC 16-18 does
    Improved Mind Crystal AAs
    Something to make the Melee want us in a group
  10. fransisco Augur

    The amount the sanguine crystal gives should be WAY over 10k. Currently people are hitting 100k plus hp. Add 5 more levels in, and they will be well above that.
    Clicking a crystal for 5-10% of our life is meaningless. It will need to be like 50k.
  11. Sancho Elder

    Would love to see a spell for shiny bob called suicide bomb or something. Load him up, send him to an enemy and have him detonate.
    Narye, Jordis, RPoo and 1 other person like this.
  12. Silv Augur

    That rep who supposedly swung the axe is gone. So likewise, her name should not keep coming up in the forums. I wasn't around when it happened. I came back to the game later. Yes, I hated the change. I got over it. I think it's about time for people to let go of the grudge or at least keep it to themselves. I just don't want the usual Enchanter thread that degenerates into... well... you've all seen them. :rolleyes:

    I still say asking for any type of (targeted)QM or group mana/endurance restore is going to get a huge NO stamp on it before you can finish the question. I'd love for 2nd Spire or the Robe click to be better but I really don't see them giving us much more. You can refer back to the endless Elidroth posts on 'we don't want mana flying around'. Again, just my opinion on the matter - give it a shot if ya want, that's the whole point of the chat though.

    I've also never used the IRC thing... if someone wants to post some detailed instructions or send a PM that'd be awesome. I'm actually able to attend the chat this time. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or bad yet :p
  13. Ismel Augur

    How to IRC go to


    click on server to open window and enter irc.stratics.com as the server
    then pick a name and add #EQAAChat as the channel
    its as easy as that
    Random_Enchanter and Silv like this.
  14. fransisco Augur

    What about every nuke has a 10% chance of proccing a stun?
  15. Apocalyps Elder

    kind of curious on the statement IoG would be up 40 % of the time ? Its a 2 min buff with a 10 min recast thats like 20% of the time :)
    Silv likes this.
  16. Silv Augur

    Oops. You are correct! If it makes me seem less dumb I didn't get any sleep last night :p

    But yes, if it was in line with 3rd and Haze (assuming 10 minutes even though 3rd is going to be 7.5m) it would be 20% of the time compared to... 14%ish now? I wouldn't trust any of my math at the moment.

    Sorry for the confusion and given that correction - I recant my concern about it being too much o_O
  17. Haegar Augur

    Would anyone mind to mention the beguilers banishment root bug and ask if they intend to fix it someday ?
  18. Silv Augur

    Please be specific when asking for this that we don't get a push or hate component >.< That would be a regrettable AA purchase lol

    What level stun do you propose? The normal Cap + 3? And duration? I believe color shock is 4 seconds, Poly rune is 6, standard PBAE is 6, and Dizzy is 7.5.

    I like your idea though.

    An alternative would be a chance to proc a rune on the target's target when nuking X% of the time. And yes, I'm aware we have a nuke that does this 100% of the time. If you're trying to do decent DPS at all you're not using Percussion. Percussion is a 14k rune. That is *maybe* one hit of a potential quad.

    Sorry for the derail - stun proc with nuke = cool, new, fun, useful, passive.
  19. silku Augur

    It's an AA chat. Elidroth isn't going to want to discuss spells or bugs.
  20. Ueuill Elder

    Couple of things to consider with this. For one, you're not limited to a single use, you know. You can make one, harvest it, make another, harvest it, make another, etc.

    For another, it's instant cast. So, you can do your multiple casts on the run.

    I point this out only to say that all this stuff is going to be considered when the Sanguine Crystal is going to be upgraded. You have an instant cast small heal. Couple that with Mana Draw, and you could bring yourself from zero to full, healthwise. I know it works this way because I've done it, fleeing from mobs in Loping Plains at almost no health, but a decent chunk of mana, and I was able to bring myself back up to full, and once I escaped, go back for more.