Time to require 'Full Access' for Test Server

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by beyrak, Aug 18, 2014.

  1. Serriah_Test Augur

    Just get a griffon and drop the ring into Lavastorm.
    Leave Frodo and Sam in Rivervale, and tell Boromir he doesn't have to die, even if he's being played by Sean Bean.
    Miss_Jackie and Elricvonclief like this.
  2. Cerris Augur

    A lot of raid gear is actually bought with copied raid currency, so the gear itself doesn't have a copied tag.

    Also, if I remember right - and it's been ages, mind you - characters are stored server-side in a way that make this way more difficult than a simple SELECT statement. I was told once that each character actually exists as an individual flat file, but my mind blocks that out as an abomination of eldritch proportions.

    I'd be fully on-board with the idea of mandating gold access OR requiring the purchase of the most recent expansion OR a minimum lifetime SC purchase history for Test access. We get so many benefits (double XP, an amazing community, low competition) that it doesn't seem out of line to ask people to have some skin in the game. :)
    Wayylon likes this.
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    Boromir does have to die though.
    Leerah and Elricvonclief like this.
  4. Giappo Augur

    This week on Test, we got lectures on why God Doesn't exist, Creationist believers are idiots, Terrorism is America's fault, dating back to the Crusades (How old is America?). In other lectures, although solar energy plants may vaporize millions of birds each year - nature appreciates it as coal is evil, and anyone that thinks Global Warming isn't gospel should be spayed or neutered.

    Several players were attacked personally when they disagreed. You see, on Test if you are an atheist liberal, you are welcome. If not, stay away. Also open training season was encouraged on players that disagreed. Yea, please make Test premium, allow transfers off, or just discontinue the server.
    Indigo, Wayylon and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  5. JChan Developer

    CS is equipped to handle this. If you /report and then petition under the community standards section, CS will be able to "take care" of the offending accounts.
    Elricvonclief and Miss_Jackie like this.
  6. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Hey now. I happen to be an atheist, but please don't lump me with the "stupids" that happen to be poisoning your server. :p
    Lily, Leerah and Wayylon like this.
  7. Ravengloome Augur

    You realize you don't have to be in general chat correct?

    /leave 1

    Incase you did not.

    But yeh i actually agree with you, General chat is getting pretty nasty, These new kids on the block make me look rational and polite.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  8. Ozni Elder

    I had no idea chat on Test had taken such a decline. This makes me sad. When I stopped playing there it was pretty chill, the last big troll had seemingly long since been driven back under the bridge.

    If you're looking for a sympathetic majority right wing conservative audience on chat here though, you'll be in for a rough time. The only place I've seen it is on every Live server I've ever played on here ever.
    Lily likes this.
  9. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    They may be "equipped" to handle it but they either show up late & won't go over the chat logs or don't do anything to the offending player(s). There are people that have been going on rants, tirades, harassment near stalking level for 9+ months & CS doesn't punish them in any visible way. Not trying to call CS out just saying it's not happening at the level you may believe it to be if at all.
    Obiziana, Wayylon and Miss_Jackie like this.
  10. JChan Developer

    The CS department has notified me that people aren't "/report"-ing them. If they are breaking our community standard rules, please use "/report" on them and petition.

    The combination of those two actions will always get CS to investigate.
  11. Koneko Augur

    how does cross server reporting work by the way do you report server.name or just name?
  12. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    There have been numerous reports. I've done several myself & several others I've seen or spoken to have as well. Unless /report is broken then nothing is being done about it & it's become a cess pool of ignorance, racism, sexism, hate & negativity. Just leave a toon logged in for a couple of hours any week night with Gamparse 1.05 running & then come back & check the chat logs & you'll get plenty of proof.
  13. ThickSkinned_86 New Member

    ;) I'll chime in for a minute about Test's General Chat. Overall, it's nice and easy going until you tell someone something they don't wish to hear. Then all of the sudden, every 12 yr old infantile moron on the planet seems to crawl out of the woodwork and raise hell for something you said. There's some really nice, respectful and considerate players here on Test. It seems that the General consensus on Test is that everyone enjoys playful banter, Politics, Religious Views, Racism, Your Momma jokes, and of course the ever-awful, Hateful Trolling from the attention grabbing dimwits. The Bottom Line of Test's General Chat in my opinion is this: It's usually best not to rock the boat by saying anything unless you really have an actual question or useful comment. - ThickSkinned_86
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  14. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    I only posted because Test used to be a great server but has become a really unpleasant negative environment over run with some of the most hateful & terrible people I've ever come across in any game or in real life. When people go out of their way to insult, harass, troll, cuss & ridicule others just to amuse themselves or make themselves feel better, something is very very wrong with the person doing those things.
    Serriah_Test likes this.
  15. SlackINC New Member

    That's most places on the Internet. Everyone seems to think its their soap box and an exclusionary zone for common courtesy while vastly lowering the threshold for what is deemed offensive. Good thing it is easy as navigating somewhere else or turning the channel off in order to escape it.

    Test needs to stay free. Players do provide a service there so the just compensation should remain. Charging money won't scare the morons off. They thrive on the All Access servers too.
    Retro and Ravengloome like this.
  16. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    I think it would decrease the negative population but it won't solve the problem completely. There are a lot of really unpleasant people on the server, probably because it is free & has full features. It's a shame but it is what it is.
  17. Fendy Augur

    It's a shame server gm's went the way of the dodo. Altho I don't think test ever had one.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. Gidmagic New Member

    Guys...yes General chat can sometimes idiotic...but there are a ton of friendly players on test that try to help people out...I hope that I'm included in that group
    Sheamous likes this.
  19. badpoet New Member

    To the OP:

    First, Test is and continues to be light years better than any servers' General Chat.

    Second, General Chat itself is utter, completely optional.

    Third, I've never seen anyone "harassed" in General Chat.
    Ravengloome likes this.
  20. Sheamous New Member

    Then you aren't paying attention Badpoet. There is nearly always someone harassing someone else throughout the day.