Legions of Blackburrow - Test CotF Raiding

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by feiddan, Aug 14, 2014.

  1. feiddan Augur

    What's this, an end-game raiding guild on Test?! Oh my!
    We've been busy smashing Call of the Forsaken, and are looking for more adventurous types to join us!
    Legions of Blackburrow raids Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays at 7pm Eastern/4pm Pacific.
    We have no strict minimum attendance requirement, but generally ask that members raid at least once every two weeks.

    We could especially use Shaman or Bards, but recruitment is open to all classes! One more Warrior, Druid, and Berserker would be incredible!

    The Test Server offers amenities such as /testcopy (copy over any Live character once every 8 hours), free All Access, all Expansions Unlocked, Permanent Double EXP, and a small-town community feel.

    CotF progress:
    WK1 4/27
    DH1 6/24
    Neriak1 7/22
    DH2 7/24
    Bixie1 7/29
    Neriak2 8/10
    Bixie2 8/14

    Get in on the Summer fun and progression today before our roster fattens back up in the Fall!

    Here's a list of our leadership team - feel free to contact any of us!
    Gnoll Commanders

    Gnoll Guards
    Brennar - Recruitment team
    Feiddan - Recruitment team

    In-game mail (SOE.EQ.Test.Charactername - e.g., SOE.EQ.Test.Feiddan) works best.

    Check out our forums and submit your app at clandarkpaw.forumotion.com!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  2. Ravengloome Augur

    Bonus DKP for Halfling/Gnome/Dwarf Clerics/Paladins (and Droods if halfling)?

    I think I read that somewhere.
  3. Narknon Augur

    Join before we beat WK2 this week and get mass DKP for a first kill!
  4. Kodaji Journeyman

    Not halfling paladins though. They get taxed 20% earned DKP for being allowed to join at all
  5. Ravengloome Augur

    Your right Halfling Paladin recruitment is closed. We have our quota!
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    One halfling pally = too much halfling!
  7. Wiji Elder

    We also need Wizards!
  8. Shang Augur

    They're pretty fun to go and hang out with when you're able... I raided with them a bit over the summer and had some fun.

    If your guild doesn't raid any of Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and you're bored, should definitely check it out.
  9. Ravengloome Augur

    WK2 down T1 done.
  10. jeskola pheerie

    Argin-Hiz down!
  11. Narknon Augur

    Farming t1 CoTF. Argin Hiz down and will be farmable. Working on the rest of t2.
    We can still use:
    1 Warrior
    1-2 Druids
    1-2 Wizards
    2-3 Shamans
    1 Paladin
    1-2 Beastlords
    1-2 Berserkers

    Other classes feel free to apply. More dps and healers are always welcome. Exceptional tanks always welcome as well.
  12. Narknon Augur

    And bards.. but those don't exist do they?
  13. Ravengloome Augur

    Forgot active high RA rangers! WTB auspice.
  14. Sabriel Journeyman

    Bump. Still room for 4-7 more people.
  15. Sabriel Journeyman

    Bump. Room for a few more. A beastlord and wizard would be nice
  16. ChoppSuey Journeyman

    Bump! Room for quite a few dps and a few healers! Come join the fun on test! If you need help with testcopy process feel free to ;t test.choppe with any questions!
  17. Sabriel Journeyman

    Seems we could use a few more tanks for TDS!~ (Hope thats not an NDA breakage) So if you're able to raid sunday/tuesday or thursday check us out or /testcopy over!
  18. Derd Augur

    But.. they announced test will not be getting TDS immedietly, or have you been informed differently?
  19. ChoppSuey Journeyman

    Test gets xpac for free two weeks later with FTP. You get access on oct 28th (two weeks early) if you buy. Two weeks later the expac is free however
  20. Narknon Augur

    Bump. The Journey Home is complete. We sent the Lady dragon packing.
    Mykaylla likes this.